To live an untemplate lifestyle, most of us will need to build an untemplate businesses. And while I don't believe in get-rich-quick schemes, I do believe there is a formula that greatly increases your chances of success. Through my background as a CPA and consultant, I've seen the insides of dozens of businesses. I've seen businesses that receive a fortune in revenues, but … [Read more...]
For those who don’t want to build the next Facebook
My internet startup takes a lot of moving parts: The developer needs to build the product, I need to sell and market the product, and the CEO needs to raise funds, manage the team, and do the accounting and taxes. Every day we encounter a new obstacle or pitch our idea to an investor or potential client to close a deal. My kind of startup involves a complete immersion of … [Read more...]
Your team is more important than the idea
So far, you've identified a pain and verified your idea by speaking to investors, entrepreneurs, and potential customers. Entrepreneurship is not a one man show, so lets go find you some teammates that compliment your skills, your passion, and have the ability to lead your startup to success. After all, the number 1 reason an investor invests into a company is because they … [Read more...]
How to test if your startup idea will succeed
On our previous post, we reasoned and gave examples of why it's better to Solve a Pain than to Follow Your Passion. Now that you have taken a week to develop some ideas for solving pains in your life, it's time to put them to the test. The smart entrepreneur never charges into battle without first analyzing the market, the competitors, funding opportunities, and revenue … [Read more...]
8 People Who Should Never, Ever Start A Business
Should you start a business? Probably. If you are asking the question that proves a couple of things to me. The first is that you have the pioneer's spirit, that you are at least vaguely interested in getting out on your own and making something of yourself gosh darn it. The second thing it tells me is that you're sick enough of whatever it is that you are doing now that you … [Read more...]