Happy Halloween Untemplaters! I took this pic at the farmers market and yes, that's a real pumpkin! Halloween is such a fun holiday so I've put together a few neat facts. I've also included some great reads on the web below that I think you'll enjoy. Americans spend close to 2 billion buying Halloween candy each year. Now that's a lot of money to spend on sugar! … [Read more...]
How To Buy The Best Travel Lens For Your DSLR Camera
Whenever I pack for a trip, the first thing I grab is my camera gear. I'm not a professional photographer, but I'd categorize myself as an intermediate amateur slowly making my way to advanced. It wasn't until just a couple years ago that I decided I'd outgrown the point and shoot realm and ventured into the world of dslr photography. I spent about two weeks researching … [Read more...]
How To Pack Smart For Your Next Trip
Have you ever traveled with someone lugging a giant suitcase, an overstuffed shoulder bag, laptop, backpack, and 3 duty free bags full of booze and chocolate? I sure hope not! I see people like this all the time at the airport, ready to topple over from the weight of their luggage, and I shake my head every time. I can’t even remember the last time I actually had to check a … [Read more...]
Miniaturize And Keep Moving Forward
I'm obsessed with tilt-shift photography. If you've never heard of it before, it's a way of manipulating an image either through special lenses or by applying filters that make the objects in the image appear miniature like in the image I shot above. There's just something magical about all things mini that always makes me smile. Perhaps it's the birds eye feel of the style … [Read more...]
Interview With Janet Brent: Digital Nomad And Entrepreneur
I'm excited to present a fun interview today with digital nomad Janet Brent who blogs at Purple Panda. Currently living in the Philippines, Janet is a multidisciplinary designer interested in social responsibility and changing the world. She's a talented graphic designer, web designer, artist, photographer, and writer who believes you should March To Your Own … [Read more...]