I am constantly amazed at how much money people spend on weddings. I was in the elevator on my way to a business meeting a few weeks ago when I heard a woman talking about how she had 1,000 people at her wedding a few months earlier. I seriously had to bite my tongue to keep from turning around and blurting out, "WHAT?! Are you CRAZY lady?!" My floor came and I had to exit … [Read more...]
Interview With The Founder of Jade Chocolates: A Prosperous Career Change
Mmm, chocolate. Just thinking about chocolate makes me smile. It's hard to believe that I wasn't always a fan of the cocoa bean's wonderful delights, but once I got into my 20's, something changed in my taste buds that turned chocolate from blah to addictive, irresistibly sweet goodness! So you can imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the San Francisco International … [Read more...]
It’s Time To #FixYoungAmerica: Interview With Scott Gerber
There is an exciting campaign launched earlier this month called #FixYoungAmerica (#FYA) that I'm raising awareness for and I think you're going to be pumped about it too. #FixYoungAmerica is a movement focused on helping solve the growing problem of high youth unemployment and underemployment in America. The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), founded by Scott Gerber, is … [Read more...]
Taxes Suck And Make Me Want To Shut Down My Small Business
For those of you who read Untemplater regularly, you know that I’m not the type of person who goes off on big rants. I consider myself to be lighthearted and easy going, and I always try to find a positive in the toughest of situations. But today I am going to vent a little bit. Why? Because I just finished all my personal and corporation taxes and I’m annoyed!!! Taxes suck. … [Read more...]
A Funny And Lighthearted Relationship Song That Makes You Go Hmm
I was on my way to work the other day, zoned out and staring out the window while I listed to one of the dozen radio stations on my phone. About halfway into my commute, I felt my ears perk up as a new song came on that I didn't recognize. It was a rather cute and catchy sounding song by a female artist with a distinctive British accent. And as the song played out, I found … [Read more...]