Have you ever thought self-help books are boring and only written on topics you can’t relate to? So not true! They are actually quite a fun genre to read and are a great way to improve your lifestyle and open your eyes to new ways of thinking. One such example I recently read is Gabrielle Bernstein’s new book, Spirit Junkie, and I have two free copies to giveaway to some … [Read more...]
Obsessive Minimalism
I’ve decided to try and adopt a more minimalist lifestyle but I think it’s making me obsessed! I’m trying to evaluate my progress as I'm wondering if I’m doing a good enough job so far or not. Since I’ve been experiencing some frustrations and feeling a bit obsessive about the whole thing, I’m taking a step back and want to share my progress with you. Simplifying … [Read more...]
Thanks Dad, Happy Father’s Day
For those of you who are dads, Happy Father’s day! It’s hard to believe summer is here and Father’s Day has snuck up on us again. It’s a slightly awkward holiday for me, as I never quite know what to get my dad, so I usually just send a card and give him a ring hello. He lives several states away so I don’t get to see him that often. It’s always been a mystery to me how … [Read more...]
A Short Guide to True Authenticity: Break Away From The Herd
We're all sheep. Where the herd goes, we go, good or bad. But It doesn't have to be this way. Society tends to condition us to fit a certain template. We have all at one time or another been pressured and influenced to become a person we thought we should have been, as opposed to being who we really are. This has been the case with our dress, our personality, our goals, the … [Read more...]
Words Mean Everything
What's in a word? Whether we know it or not, the language we use has a powerful effect on our well-being. It impacts everything from healthcare to warfare. Words Create Health Consider the work done by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer. She asked why when cancer goes away we call it a "remission" but when a cold goes away we call it a "cure". Both illnesses may come back, … [Read more...]