Many college students quite frankly would rather go to school on a Saturday morning than read or talk about personal finance. As a result, most college students have very minimal knowledge of the personal finance world. Most of the personal finance knowledge that gets filtered down to college students is simply nothing but BS. The good news is that I'm here to reveal the … [Read more...]
12-Step Financial Plan for Life After Graduation
Can you honestly say you have a "money plan" after you get that diploma? No matter what your life or income situation is, it's important to get started on the right foot. Before you can learn how to Untemplate, you need to discover the basic principles of personal finance. Don't worry, it's so much easier than it sounds. Take an entire month to do each of the following … [Read more...]
Cultivate Your Passion and Improve Your Finances
Balancing work and enjoying life doesn't have to be a struggle. You can start by creating an income stream from a passion of yours. With some time and effort, it could grow into your main income. I have found that by starting out as a side income, you give yourself permission to experiment and try out new ideas compared to experimenting with your 'main' job. Some Work Ideas to … [Read more...]
Personal Finance Really Isn’t That Complicated
If there's anything I've learned over the years, it's that people sure like to complicate things. They do it at their jobs, they do it at home, and they certainly do with with their finances. In fact, I've come to realize that there are 2 very different types of people out there - the ones looking for that magic bullet (a hot stock pick, the secrets to winning the lottery), … [Read more...]
Toy Speculation: A New way of Investing
I was a child of the early 80’s and I remember growing up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and G.I. Joe’s covering my bedroom floor. At $2.99 a pop, the average G.I. Joe provided hours of entertainment, usually culminating with my mother yelling at me to put them all away in my toy chest. I am not the only one with such memories, and those that want to relive owning such … [Read more...]