Have you ever wondered if people are born entrepreneurs or if they’re made? I’ve come to believe that both are true and also that there is no perfect, magic formula for becoming a successful business owner. I’ve met entrepreneurs from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures, some who dreamed of starting their own business before they could even tie their shoes, and others who simply fell into entrepreneurship as a means to survive after graduating and not being able to find work.
Where Are The Optimists?
The economy seems to be coming back, but some people are still struggling and many businesses continue to watch their expenses closely and limit hiring. More people are continuing to turn to entrepreneurship though, whether it be for income diversification in a side business, the allure of having more freedom and a mobile lifestyle, or the autonomy of letting their creative sides run wild.
2012 Global Entrepreneur Survey
So what’s in the DNA of today’s entrepreneurs? What are they thinking this year and how are their businesses coming along? Are entrepreneurs in some countries are more optimistic than others? Let’s take a look in this infographic:
Untemplaters, were you surprised at any of the results of this 2012 global entrepreneur survey? Do you have any theories on what’s in the DNA of today’s entrepreneurs and if it varies from those working for big companies? Would you have guessed that 55% of SME’s in the US are optimistic about the year ahead but 49% reported increased stress?
Further Untemplater reading on entrepreneurship:
The $100 Startup: Do What You Love For A Benjamin
Who knew the French had fabulous arithmetic. Now if they’d just bother to work 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year they’d be economics powerhouses 😀
I’m a little surprised 55% are optimistic in the US given how ugly the legal/regulatory climate has gotten. Probably just depends on what business you’re in – I guess if you’re making solar panels or some other favored industry it’s not so bad.
Haha. I saw that bit about the arithmetic too. Yeah I’m sure industry makes a difference. I don’t know much about what’s happening in the legal world though so I can’t comment on the growth there.
It’s interesting to note that people from the Netherlands are also the tallest people in the world.The average Dutchman is about 6’1″ (4″ taller than the average American).
Perhaps the fact that they tower over the rest of the world gives them an elevated sense of optimism.
Ha, good observation! But, at that height, it sucks to sit in the back OR front seat of any compact or midsized car!
Tall people do tend to command more presence. It is pretty cool that Dutch women are also very tall!
Direct co-relation to the economy! I wonder what came first!
Ha yeah good question. It is a bit of a chicken or the egg type of thing. People need to be optimistic in order to start hiring and creating new jobs, but it also takes people seeing signs of hiring in order to start feeling optimistic.
I am suprised that more in the UK and the US are not more optimistic about the year ahead! The infographic is definitely written in an optimistic way though!
Yeah, the optimistic percentages are lower than I would have guessed. It seems like things in the economy are getting better though so hopefully these entrepreneurs will be upside surprised.
I believe entreprenuers are born with natural talent but are made through multiple failures and challenges. I am personally optimistic about the economy and what the future holds. 2013 will be an interesting year!
Glad to hear you’re optimistic Marvin! I’m looking forward to next year as well but not before I cross a lot of things off my to do list in the next two months. Fourth quarter is going to fly by so we all gotta get crackin’ and make the most of what’s left in 2012.
I fund it interesting that the French were half as optimistic but twice as likely to be profitable.
The French also had a lot of stress, but still not as high as the US. I think we need more national holidays and more acceptance of taking longer vacations in the US to help lower our stress levels!
I’m surprised about the optimism about the Europeans! But, the figures aren’t over 50%, so perhaps not. I guess looking closer, only Netherlands is truly optimistic, which is what I’ve found after my 2 week business trip there a couple months ago. They are the happiest people in the world, so there is no coincidence they are the most optimistic!
I noticed that about the Netherlands as well. And I agree with you that happiness and optimism go hand in hand.
It’s also cool that the Dutch are the highest in regard for social media and blogging!
The other thing is… you’ve GOT to be an optimist if you plan to create your own product and be an entrepreneur. Otherwise, it’s going to be almost impossible to get ahead!
I agree with you that there is not perfect solution as to whether entrepreneurs are made or born. All I know is that we exist. The numbers don’t really surprise as more and more people are counting less on schools, education and getting jobs. Many are thinking let me travel or do things I want to do before it gets to late. In that sense they have to find some way to make money.
I agree with you that there is a growing shift in how education is regarded by a lot of people. I still think it’s good for young people to get a taste of working hard even if they do it in non traditional ways. Anyone who thinks they can skip steps and that success will come easy is going to get themselves into a mess.