Over the weekend as I was sipping some tea, I got to thinking about the relationships in my life and those that I've observed. There are a lot of reoccurring themes that either make or break a partnership, and I bet you've experienced a bit of both. What I've experienced is the more we learn about ourselves and those around us, the more healthy partnerships we have for the … [Read more...]
The $100 Startup: Do What You Love For A Benjamin
A lot of people are too scared to start a business because they're too afraid to fail and think they don't have enough money. I had those same fears myself for a long time, but thankfully I got over myself and stopped being afraid of taking chances. Life is too short to waste it living a life you don't enjoy and to never take any risks. After all, being frozen by fear and … [Read more...]
Be On The Lookout For Small Business Scams!
There are tons of things to think about and keep track of when you are starting a business. Putting together a business plan, bringing ideas from the drawing board to the table, figuring out all sorts of logistics, researching, planning, raising capital, marketing, legal stuff, you name it. The last thing you want to think about is being on the lookout for small business … [Read more...]
A Healthy Amount Of Competition Will Do You Good
The other day I found out that three people in a new circle of friends I joined each have a twin! What are the odds of that?! That got me to start counting how many twins I actually know. One pair of twins from my elementary school days, five pairs from middle and high school, two in college, and now eight sets of twins in my adult life for a grand total of sixteen sets of … [Read more...]
Improving Efficiency: Finding The Time To Do It All
If you want something done, give it to the BUSIEST person in the room. Now how is that supposed to work?! Improving efficiency and finding the time to do it all is tough. But there’s a lot of truth in that saying about busy people being super efficient and boy do I know some insanely productive people who put my attempts at improving efficiency to shame. Some people are … [Read more...]