* The Plan For The Sale product is no longer available, but I thought it would be a good idea to keep this 2,000 word post up as a great source of information from a blogger who sold his site Bargaineering for millions and for those who want to sell a business. Have you ever wanted to know how to sell a business? What do entrepreneurs do when they want to get out and to … [Read more...]
Best Eats From Around The World
Most of my favorite memories are from traveling to new places and experiencing new flavors, cultures, and adventures. Although I'm not much of a creative cook myself, I love eating good food and trying new dishes from around the world. I've put together a list of some of the best eats from around the world that I've found on some of my trips below. I'm lucky to live in San … [Read more...]
Why Are Bad Habits So Hard To Break?
This year got off to a bit of a rocky start for me because I was so consumed with being denied a promotion and my emotions were way out of whack. But I didn't let that stop me from trying to find the positives in a glum situation. I shifted my attention away from the disappointing present and put it back towards the future and what I need to do in order to get there. Since … [Read more...]
How To Handle Being Denied A Promotion After My Boss Screwed Me Over
It's always a bit nerve wracking when it comes time to find out who got picked for the latest round of promotions at work and who got shafted. The times when we make the cut, we feel on top of the world! But there inevitably also comes a time, or two or three, when we don't make it and the disappointment is just plain awful to swallow. The promotion we worked so hard to … [Read more...]
Make The Most of 2013 By Keeping Things Simple
We've entered the year of the snake and possibly the Age of Aquarius! If you're familiar with the Chinese zodiac calendar, that's where the snake part comes in. And as far as the Age of Aquarius goes, I have no idea if has actually arrived or even exists, but one of my relatives whom I saw over the holidays believes that it has arrived. What it is exactly no one really knows, … [Read more...]