Do you find yourself constantly frustrated that you don't get your way or feel like you're always being told what to do? Ever wonder how some people always seem to win new customers and grow their business? Don't let jealousy and irritation consume your spirit and turn you into a complainer nobody wants to be around. Instead, learn how to influence people and you won't fall … [Read more...]
Top Sights In Australia For The Adventure Seeker
One of my 2013 goals is to travel abroad to a new country, or perhaps even two or three depending on my budget and itinerary. I enjoy exploring new places whenever I can, but the hardest part of traveling for me is deciding where to go! I've been to over 25 countries so far, yet there are so many more incredible places I still want to see. For my next trip, I have my radar on … [Read more...]
A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish
We're over four months into the year already, and I bet all of those New Year's resolutions you made feel like decades ago. This time of year in the second quarter is often when we're at our weakest, our softest spot on the year long cycle of motivation. The buzz of the fresh start in a calendar year has worn off, we can't stop thinking about summer vacations, and the end of … [Read more...]
Why Are There So Many Crazy People At Work And In The World?
The older I get, the more and more crazy people I seem to come across. I'm telling you there're everywhere! Every day I pass by at least ten to fifteen crazy bums on my commute. They tend to congregate on public benches and along empty lots, or just wander around aimlessly on foot. But there are plenty of non-homeless crazy people too. And I happen to work with several of them! … [Read more...]
The Challenge Of Concentrating: Why Can’t I Focus?! Do I Have ADHD?
Although I don't really like to admit it, I have a really hard time focusing a lot of the time. Maybe some of you feel the same way. Lately I just can't stop asking myself why can't I focus?! Do I have ADHD? I get distracted way too easily, whether it's my own fault or not, and sometimes I really have to fight myself in order to concentrate. It gets me so frustrated … [Read more...]