"No pain, no gain!" For those of you who grew up in the 80s like me, you probably remember Jane Fonda's impact on the exercise industry quite well. I remember working out to her videos in gym class. It's pretty funny to picture that now. Our gym teacher was basically slacking on the job. He'd roll one of those old tube TVs onto the gym floor and pop a VHS tape into the VCR … [Read more...]
Get rid of bad habits once and for all!
Do you have bad habits that have lurked around for years that you're sick and tired of already? Binge watching shows, smoking, drinking too much, overspending? We've all tried and failed to overcome at least a few bad habits, but forget about the past. Today is a new day and it's time to get rid of bad habits once and for all. This time you're not going to give up too soon now … [Read more...]
Wacky ways to make more money
Who doesn’t love finding new wacky ways to make more money? Technology has made it super convenient to use your skills, idle assets and everyday habits to make more money on your own time. If you set yourself up for success and are determined enough, you could make thousands of extra dollars each year. Whether you pick up one side gig or 20, there are all sorts of fun, weird … [Read more...]
Are you protected from the STRESS virus?!
Anyone who claims they haven't experienced stress in their life is either completely kidding themselves or living a very sheltered lifestyle. Stress doesn't even wait to strike until we're adults; it can affect kids from an early age if parents aren't careful. I certainly remember experiencing stress in middle and high school. Of course the triggers of stress for me as a … [Read more...]
Public speaking tips for work and conferences
If you're like most people, you probably dread public speaking and try to avoid it at all costs. It's nerve wracking to put yourself out there in front of a crowd. Even speaking up in work meetings can be unnerving. I've been there! But if you want to climb the ladder at work, the sooner you can start to get comfortable with public speaking, especially in work and conference … [Read more...]