For those of you who are dads, Happy Father’s day! It’s hard to believe summer is here and Father’s Day has snuck up on us again. It’s a slightly awkward holiday for me, as I never quite know what to get my dad, so I usually just send a card and give him a ring hello. He lives several states away so I don’t get to see him that often. It’s always been a mystery to me how … [Read more...]
Symptoms of Stress: Is Stress Ruining You and Your Relationships?
Anyone who hasn’t experienced a stressful period at least once in their life is either completely kidding themselves or living a very sheltered lifestyle. I’ve witnessed and experienced how stress can strain and ruin relationships, create health problems, and cause serious emotional changes such as depression and rage. I carry a lot of stress myself (hard to avoid it working … [Read more...]
7 Successful Examples of How to Make Boring Things Rock
A common question among new entrepreneurs is “how do I come up with a profitable idea, especially considering all the good ones are probably taken?” This question has stumped many people before they even had a chance. Sure, it would have been hard to discover the idea for Google, the touchscreen, or the cement that eats up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to save the world … [Read more...]
Break Free from the Vicarious Lifestyle That May Be Holding You Back From Success
I remember the first time I saw one of my favorite movies, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” starring Will Smith. The film recounts the story of Chris Gardner, a salesman in San Francisco who falls into poverty and is left to provide for his son as his wife leaves him. He sets out to perform the impossible of becoming a stock broker in a prestigious downtown firm and overcomes … [Read more...]
Interview with Jimmy Wong Of Alexandra Wallace Fame
Part of the reason why I love to blog is because of access to neat people from around the web. Jimmy Wong is the creator of the catchy "Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song" rebuttal to Alexandra Wallace's video rant against Asians in the UCLA library. Jimmy took a very light-hearted and comical way to vent his frustration against stereotypes and racism, which is something … [Read more...]