We live in one stressful, fast-paced world. And boy is our mental health taking a toll. I myself battle with feeling swamped and discouraged at times. The things I struggle with today are different than what they were ten+ years ago, but they’re nevertheless still hard. Perhaps you can relate. So, how can we cope when we feel overwhelmed and deflated?
Before we dive into some coping strategies, let’s touch on a few data points. According to the American Psychological Association, roughly 80% of workers today experience job stress that negatively affects their mental health. Higher numbers of kids and teens are also suffering from anxiety, sadness, and feelings of hopelessness.

Personally, I get discouraged with my own flaws and mistakes much more often than in the past. And I constantly feel frustrated about feeling tired and unable to get enough done each day.
Self sabotage has really become a prevalent problem. And if we aren’t careful, we can get trapped in a doom loop or start to believe that we’re never good enough.
If you can relate to any of this, know that you’re not alone. We all have days—or even weeks or months—when life feels heavy and formidable. Feeling down and discouraged happens to us all sometimes.
Fortunately, there are ways to climb out of the gloom and back into the light!
Strategies to cope with feeling overwhelmed and down
Here are some suggestions on how to pick yourself up when you’re feeling overwhelmed and defeated. I’ve used many of them in my efforts to continually improve my headspace. I’ve found that these strategies are most helpful when used in tandem. While it’s better to pick one thing on the list to work on versus none at all, I hope you’ll work your way toward using several coping strategies at the same time.
First, Look Inward
Let’s look at some ways we can learn to cope with these feelings and regain a sense of balance. It takes practice and a lot of self-care to come back to center. But with enough patience and self-care, the time and effort you put into improving your mental health will be worthwhile.
Give yourself the grace to get introspective
When I went through one particularly difficult period in my life, it felt like it would never end. I was constantly looking down and didn’t know how to climb out of the pit I was in. But what eventually led to a turning point for me was hearing how much I was negatively impacting those around me.
It was then that I had to face myself in the mirror. I didn’t like what I saw, and I didn’t like how I felt. I sat alone with my thoughts for a long time. I named all of the emotions I was feeling and tried to pinpoint all of their root causes. This exercise helped motivate me to find solutions because I finally had what felt like a tangible starting point from whence to improve.
Acknowledge Your Suboptimal Feelings
Learning to identify your feelings isn’t always easy especially if you’re experiencing multiple emotions simultaneously. But it’s really helpful to give yourself enough room and grace to be introspective.
In order to cope with difficult emotions, we have to first acknowledge their presence. Then we can pinpoint their triggers. This helps us to better understand our struggles and figure our way out of them.
Whatever it is you’re going through, you don’t have to push those feelings away. Give yourself permission to feel those emotions in order to clarify the root causes. Then, you can get to work on figuring out how to reduce and resolve your emotional triggers.
Practice Self-Compassion To Rekindle Your Spirit
It may sound easy to treat yourself with kindness, but in reality it can be quite a challenge. So often we’re our own biggest critic. But instead of being overly hard on yourself for feeling overwhelmed, try to support yourself the way you would a friend in a similar situation.
Remind yourself that it’s okay to struggle and that everyone has tough days sometimes. Self-compassion is all about recognizing your humanity and allowing yourself the grace to be imperfect.
Focus on Gratitude Throughout Each Day
When you’re feeling down or frazzled, it can be easy to fixate on the negative. Try shifting your focus from the countless things you’re overwhelmed with to what you’re grateful for, no matter how small.
Consider starting a gratitude journal. Jot down three things each day that you appreciate. This simple practice isn’t that arduous. And it can help shift your mindset to be more positive by default over time. If you’re struggling with your finances or frustrated with your investments’ performance, starting a money gratitude journal can also be quite beneficial.
Journaling your feelings and frustrations s also a great way to express your thoughts in a healthy way. Write freely about what’s bothering you without fear of any judgement. Putting pen to paper can also help clarify what you’re experiencing and help you progress.
Next, Take Back Control Of The Little Things
One large reason we can feel overwhelmed is due to a lack of control. When it feels like there are too many things swirling around us that we can’t get a hold of, it helps to take charge of a few things that are within our grasp. Even regaining some space on your devices and decreasing your digital clutter can be rather satisfying while also giving your productivity a boost.
Here are a few examples of simple things you can do to regain some control in your day-to-day life.
Break Hard Tasks Into Smaller Steps That Are Realistically Manageable
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, just thinking about everything you need to do can be paralyzing. Instead of tackling a massive to-do list all at once, break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps.
It sounds rudimentary, but really try to just focus on one thing at a time. Celebrate small wins, like finishing a single task, even if it seems minor. This can help build momentum and restore your sense of accomplishment. As I like to say, progress is happiness.
Limit Your Consumption Time-sinks
Like it or not, gaming and social media have been engineered to be incredibly addicting and time consuming. Some consumption in these spaces can help relieve stress. But, too much can have the opposite effect. The wrong type of content consumption can also be detrimental to your overall well being.
For example, social media can easily exacerbate feelings of discouragement or inadequacy. If you find that scrolling through your feeds leaves you feeling worse than before you started, it’s time to take a break. Curate your consumption to content that inspires and uplifts your mood. Guiltlessly drop those that don’t.
Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques In Frequent, Small Doses
Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Tune into each of your senses. Observe, acknowledge.
Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help ground you. Even a few minutes of focused breathing can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. There are plenty of apps and online resources that offer guided sessions to get you started. It’s no joke that regular meditation can increase both happiness and longevity. Try it!
Organize One Small Space In Your Home Or Office
Remember when Marie Kondo’s KonMari method first got popular? I became obsessed with her beautiful way of organizing and adopted her folding techniques for all of my clothes drawers. Granted, there are plenty of other areas in my home that look like a bomb went off.
You certainly don’t have to attempt to make your home look like The Home Edit. That’s too overwhelming for most people, hence the reason there’s a professional organizer industry. But finding one small space to organize like a desk drawer or your kitchen counter can reduce clutter and spark joy.
Reach Outward To Cope With Feeling Overwhelmed
After doing some introspection and regaining little bits of control in your day-to-day life, reach outward. Reestablishing existing connections and starting new ones are great for the soul.
Connect With An Empath Who Cares About Your Well-Being
You don’t have to suffer through hard times alone. But you also want to choose wisely who you share your innermost feelings with. I suggest seeking out someone you trust who is a natural empath. Have a heart to heart with a close friend or family member.
Sharing how you feel can be incredibly stress relieving. Even if the person you speak with can’t fix your problems, just having someone listen can help take a weight off your shoulders.
It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone in your personal network. Consider joining a support group or making a 1×1 appointment with a therapist, mental health coach, or doctor.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your finances in particular, getting a free assessment from a financial professional could be just the ticket to some much needed money-stress relief.
Get Your Body And Mind In Motion
Physical activity can be a fantastic mood booster. How? Movement releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. You also don’t need to hit the gym for an intense workout—simple activities like going for a walk, dancing in your living room, or doing some stretches can help.
Going on walks while I listen to my favorite songs is one of my favorite low impact activities. Being outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery can work wonders for our state of mind.
Engage in Activities You Actually Enjoy To Increase Your Joy Meter
When you’re feeling overwhelmed and deflated, one of the last things on your mind is having fun. But it’s actually when you need it the most. Make time for activities that bring you joy, whether it’s reading a good book, cooking, painting, or watching your favorite shows.
Engaging in hobbies can provide a welcome distraction and remind you of the things that make you happy. Sometimes, immersing yourself in something you love can help lift your spirits. Even just fifteen to thirty minutes of fun can be quite refreshing.
Lastly, Find Ways To Optimize
As you continue on your quest to cope with feeling overwhelmed and deflated, look for ways to optimize.
Establish a Routine That Works With Your Natural Flow
Create a daily routine that provides structure and predictability. Even though there will be things that pop up out of your control, having a baseline routine can be very comforting when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Even simple routines, like setting a regular time for meals, work, and relaxation, can help. Simple regimens can also give you a sense of control over your day, making it easier to manage feelings of chaos.
Prioritize Sleep Not Only For Your Mood And Health, But Also For Productivity
We’ve all heard about how important sleep is, yet it’s so hard to stick with a regular sleep schedule. I’ve certainly stayed up too late many, many times even after planning on an early bedtime.
But we shouldn’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep can significantly impact our mood and overall well-being. Even though I don’t like to admit it, I’m always grouchier when I haven’t had enough sleep. I try to get at least 7 hours a night. But, I do feel a lot better if I’m regularly getting 8-9 or at least getting a 15-20 minute nap in during the day to recharge if my overnight sleep count was low.
Establish a calming bedtime routine as best you can and create a sleep-friendly environment. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night and see how it helps recharge your body and mind.
Avoid All That Bad Stuff Your Doctor Told You About
That third or fourth cup of coffee or sugary snack might give you a quick boost. But, it can lead to crashes that leave you feeling even more drained. Try to monitor your intake and opt for healthier snacks and drinks when possible. Staying hydrated and nourishing your body with whole foods can have a positive impact on your mood.
As much as I love caffeine and sweets, I’ve largely cut them out. Not having to rely on drinks or foods to control my mood has helped me feel more in control. More control leads to feeling less overwhelmed. If coffee or tea is your crutch, here are 20 tips on how to fight afternoon drag without caffeine. You don’t have to quit cold turkey, but it’s worth dialing back on any addictions and dependencies.
Seek Out Professional Help if Needed
I hope some of the suggestions I’ve touched on are helpful for you. If you find that your feelings of discouragement or overwhelm persist, however, please don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapy can provide valuable tools and strategies to help you cope with difficult times.
*** Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. ***
Feeling Overwhelmed And Deflated Is Temporary
Thanks for making it to the end of this post. I’ve been wanting to write this for a while. Even though it took me much longer than I hoped to put it all together, I’m glad I finally did it!
As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
I hope you’ll give yourself some grace for all of the feelings you’ve been experiencing lately. After all, part of what makes us human is our ability to experience deep and complex emotions.
Be Patient with Yourself And The Healing Process
Coping with feelings of being down, discouraged, and overwhelmed takes time. Please allow yourself to be in the moment and understand that it’s okay to take things day by day or even hour by hour. Healing and regaining balance takes time, and that’s perfectly alright.
Takeaways: How To Cope With Feeling Overwhelmed
Life can throw curveballs that leave us feeling down and overwhelmed, but remember that these feelings are incredibly common. By acknowledging our emotions, reaching out for support, and practicing self-care, we can navigate through tough times.
Be gentle with yourself and recognize that brighter days are ahead. You’ve got this!
Quick Recommendations
Before you go, please check out some of my favorite resources I hope you’ll find useful.
- Best personal finance book: Learn everything you need to know about how to grow your wealth and make better decisions in Buy This, Not That.
- Must read for anyone tired of their job: If you’re burnt out or fed up with your job, please read How To Engineer Your Layoff. Getting paid to quit my job changed my life forever!
- Innovative way to invest with only $10: Are you looking for an easy way to diversify your investments and gain exposure to real estate or AI? Here’s how to get started with only ten bucks.
Thanks for writing this Sydney. I struggle with feeling overwhelmed multiple times every week, sometimes even every day. A lot of it is my own doing, meaning I just get myself worked up about having so many things today even though nothing is life or death or extremely urgent. I think a lot of it has to do with the influence of technology and constant distractions. It would be fascinating to temporarily live another life back in 1950 or something like that when life was just way more simple. I’m sure they had very different stresses back then, but I have to think they had a much calmer state of mind with no technology. I need to try meditating more often.