We all talk about the things that hold us back from getting the lifestyle we want, whether it’s lack of money, time, motivation, etc. But what I haven’t seen much of is how PEOPLE can hold you back. Whether friends or family, spouses or kids, people can be just as much of a barrier towards achieving your goals. So we ask this week:
Do people hold you back? What have you done about it?
Yet another great thought-starter by Norcross. Cheers mate!
People used to hold me back – mainly those who lust to fit in and whom try to make you feel bad (terrible) for standing out. But I’d like to think that I’ve gotten past caring about those people.
For me, the ropes still holding me back some are personal freedom (time) and probably a bit of nerve. I’m smart enough to know that a “perfect situation” will never come – so one of these days I’m going to have to just jump into the deep end on my own.
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for asking this question. For me, and I believe others in the untemplater audience, things like money/work/school are able to be turned around to help me live according to my own standards. But PEOPLE on the other hand, can really make it difficult because often the ones who truly challenge me are the ones I love the most.
For instance, parents who want to see me settle down and work a career with a reliable income- or dear friends who think I need to get over my idealism so that I will attain more realistic goals.
The best response I have come up with so far is to stop trying to explain and live by example. If I trust myself and a situation, these same people are generally proud in the end.
I would love to hear about ways that others are able to coexist with people who hold them back.