Today’s focus on friends takes us to part 4 of a five part series on how all sorts of relationships benefit from constructive criticism. I'm covering key tips on how to give constructive criticism, and how this type of feedback benefits our relationships with family, significant others, managers and mentees, and friends. From One Circle to Another As far as friends go, … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Constructive Criticism in Relationships: SIGNIFICANT OTHER
I’m so excited to talk about how the relationships we have with our significant others can be improved so much through constructive feedback. For those of you dropping in, this is part 3 of my 5 part series on how to give constructive criticism many types of relationships (family, friends, managers & mentees, friends) benefit from feedback. YOUR SIGNIFICANT … [Read more...]
Thanks Dad, Happy Father’s Day
For those of you who are dads, Happy Father’s day! It’s hard to believe summer is here and Father’s Day has snuck up on us again. It’s a slightly awkward holiday for me, as I never quite know what to get my dad, so I usually just send a card and give him a ring hello. He lives several states away so I don’t get to see him that often. It’s always been a mystery to me how … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Constructive Criticism in Relationships: FAMILY
In part 1 of this series, I went over several tips on how to give constructive criticism. Now let’s talk about how constructive feedback benefits the relationships we have with our families. Perfect Families DO NOT Exist As much as we’d like to, we can’t choose our families. Unfortunately many of us, myself included, also know what it’s like to have a … [Read more...]
How to Give Constructive Criticism & Why It Benefits Relationships
Our lives are filled with many different types of relationships, and constructive criticism is invaluable in all of them. This is a 5 part series I’ve put together that highlights tips on how to give constructive feedback and why it benefits 4 major relationship categories (family, significant other, friends, and manager/mentee). Now let’s get started. :) We’ve all heard … [Read more...]