Hello, my name is Sydney and I have a TV addiction. There I said it! I have been debating whether or not to come out with this confession for a while now, and finally decided - yes I need to come out in the open for my own good! And as part of my recovery process I want to help you overcome your TV addition too! Step 1 - Identify why you are addicted. I’ve loved TV my … [Read more...]
Success Requires Agendas And Priorities
The world can be one mean, scary, and downright cruel place for the lost and unprepared. It can also be one utterly boring stage for the passive, "someday" day dreamers who follow the same routines day after day, too afraid to break out of the template lifestyle. While there is no guaranteed, flop-free recipe for success, if you can learn how to set agendas and priorities … [Read more...]
Obsessive Minimalism
I’ve decided to try and adopt a more minimalist lifestyle but I think it’s making me obsessed! I’m trying to evaluate my progress as I'm wondering if I’m doing a good enough job so far or not. Since I’ve been experiencing some frustrations and feeling a bit obsessive about the whole thing, I’m taking a step back and want to share my progress with you. Simplifying … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Constructive Criticism in Relationships: MANAGERS & MENTEES
July is a popular month for mid-year performance evaluations in the workplace. It’s often a dreaded period for managers who have to scramble to get forms filled out, and an equally antsy time for employees nervous about getting critiqued and having to sit down with the boss one on one. Evaluations Are GOOD For You I’ve been managing a team of people at my CRM job for … [Read more...]
Summer Money Saving Tips
Phew, it’s hot! Summer is heating up and so are the utility bills. Here are a few money savings tips to help you stay cool this summer and keep more of your hard earned money in the bank! Put your curtains to use – If any rooms in your home get direct sunlight, help keep them cooler by closing your blinds and drapes during the peak hours when the sun is shining straight … [Read more...]