It's open enrollment time again for next year's insurance benefits. This checklist will help you with understanding insurance benefits offered by your employer. With insurance costs rising and benefits falling, we need to be diligent about reviewing policies and shopping around to save. Your company's insurance benefits have real value that is calculated as part of your … [Read more...]
The Risks Of Starting A Business
A few weeks ago I got a dreaded jury summons notice in the mail. While it's fortunate that we all have legal rights to an impartial jury trial, it still annoys the heck out me that people sue each other and businesses for the dumbest reasons. I have way more important and meaningful things to do than to sit in a courtroom and listen to people argue over lost dry cleaning, bad … [Read more...] Review: A Great Way To Save Money On Groceries Using Coupons
Some days I get so fed up with how expensive food costs, don't you? With food prices continuing to rise, we really have to be proactive about keeping costs down to stay within our budgets. Perhaps you're wondering, can you save really money on groceries with coupons? The answer is yes, but not all methods are created equal. I'm excited to tell you about an online service I … [Read more...]
What Is eHealthInsurance? What You Need To Know About Online Health Insurance
Do you dream about becoming an entrepreneur? Perhaps you're a newly launched small business owner working around the clock trying to get your business off the ground. Ever wonder what do entrepreneurs do for health insurance? Whatever stage you're at in your self employed career path, it's never too early to start thinking and planning for your health insurance needs. One place … [Read more...]
Tips On Visiting Vegas For Work And For Fun
I've been to Las Vegas three times in my life, and each trip were all completely different. The first time I was in Vegas I was young enough to need a babysitter while my parents went gambling. I played a lot of arcade games and swam at the pool. The second time I went to Vegas was sometime after college, which was a relaxing, slow paced trip taking in the sights and spending … [Read more...]