We've entered the year of the snake and possibly the Age of Aquarius! If you're familiar with the Chinese zodiac calendar, that's where the snake part comes in. And as far as the Age of Aquarius goes, I have no idea if has actually arrived or even exists, but one of my relatives whom I saw over the holidays believes that it has arrived. What it is exactly no one really knows, … [Read more...]
15 Great Reads You Might Have Missed: 2012 Untemplater Highlights
I want to take a minute and thank all of you who regularly visit and tweet/like Untemplater on a regular basis because your support and readership mean so much to me! I really enjoy being able to share my stories, helpful tips, and my untemplate journey with you. I hope you are finding more ways to shatter the template lifestyle every day so you can pursue the things in life … [Read more...]
2012 Highlights, Failures, And Memorable Public Events
It's that time of year again to take some time and reflect on all the events of this year. I hope you had a successful, happy 2012 with lots of progress towards shattering the template lifestyle and spending more time doing the things that make you come alive. Overall I had a great year, but I did have a fair amount of bumps and rough patches too. I like to reflect on both … [Read more...]
Happy Holidays! It’s Time To Get Up And Dance!
Happy holidays Untemplaters! This holiday season has been a hectic and emotional time for me and I'm so thankful that I've been able to spend some time with family I haven't seen in years. It really brings back memories and reminds me that even despite all the ups and downs, time apart, and unavoidable drama, at the end of the day we're family. Some things change, others stay … [Read more...]
Press Pause And Get Inspired, Refreshed, And Centered
December is one crazy month! In times like this when things can just get crazy busy, I like to press pause and get inspired, refreshed, and centered. One of my favorite ways of doing that is reading quotes, reviewing my goals, and reminding myself to take a step back and remember the big picture and to be thankful for all the things I have. Now that I've gotten all my gift … [Read more...]