Entrepreneurship is hard. No question about it. Anyone who says it's easy is either lying, suffering from amnesia, or has never actually tried to start and grow their own business before. One of the hardest parts about becoming an entrepreneur is simply just getting started. It's scary taking chances, making yourself vulnerable for failure, and starting an untemplate lifestyle, … [Read more...]
Benefits Of Email Marketing For Your Business Using Aweber
When you're starting your own business, there are so many things to do that it can be easy losing track. You prioritize the development of your product or service above all else for so long that it feels like a distraction even thinking about how you're going to advertise and market your business. But overlooking the benefits of email marketing for your business is a mistake … [Read more...]
Family Business And Workplace Drama: Is Favoritism Avoidable?
Did you know that there are roughly 5.5 million family run businesses in the U.S.? That makes up over 60% of our workforce according to the nonprofit organization FEUSA. So chances are high that you will work for a family run business at some point in your career. And that could mean coping with a lot of drama and favoritism. But even non-family run corporations can be chock … [Read more...]
Inspirational Quotes To Jumpstart Your Day
Happy Friday Untemplaters! Ready or not, second quarter is coming to a close today and we're going full speed into June. But don't freak out that the year is almost half over, get excited! There's so much you can accomplish. And even if you haven't made as much progress on your goals so far as you would have liked this year, that's no reason to give up. Every day is a new … [Read more...]
An Inside Look At Entrepreneurship Overseas: Interview with Olim Dives Co-Founder
Today I'm going to share with you an incredibly fascinating interview I had with Ben Hubbard, co-founder of OlimDives.com, an online based stock market exchange game that lets you learn about investing in the markets with a fun, social twist. Ben is currently living an untemplate life as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia, many thousands of miles away from his hometown in Plano, … [Read more...]