When was the last time you felt ahead of the game because you were lacking items on your to do list? For me, if I ever felt that way, it was so long ago that I don't remember. But even with a mile long to do list we can still learn how to be more productive and less overwhelmed. I have a bad tendency of adding things onto my to do list faster than I can cross things off. Do … [Read more...]
Helpful Tips On How To Break Bad Habits
Do you want to break your bad habits? I do! Even if you've tried and failed to break certain bad habits in the past, it's never too late to try again. It takes time and effort to completely replace our non ideal actions with positive ones, and a lot of times we give up too soon. If we take a methodical and smarter approach, however, we can have better results. Let's get started … [Read more...]
Ways To Improve Communication And Increase Happiness
The older I get, the more and more I appreciate effective communication. Things have a way of getting miscommunicated, left out, lost in translation, or poorly relayed way too often. Poor communication makes our work and personal lives so much harder than they need to be. Fortunately there are easy ways to improve communication and increase happiness for all of us if we try a … [Read more...]
5 Tips To Save Money Buying A Car
If you are like most Americans, you probably spend more money on a car than you should. Did you know that during the "Cash For Clunkers" program, the average purchase price of a car was a whopping $25,000? Meanwhile, the average total household income of the car buyer was less than $60,000. Who goes and spends half of their annual income after tax on a heap of steel? Apparently … [Read more...]
10 Positive Philosophical Quotes
It’s funny how I used to think I knew it all when I was in my teens. I thought I had the whole world figured out. But I really didn’t have a clue lol. And even though I know a lot more now than I did back then, at least now I’m smart enough to realize that there’s still a heck of a lot I don’t know. There’s always more than one way to look at something, and in life there is … [Read more...]