I watch a lot of movies. Most of them are just for fun and entertainment so I tend to quickly forget the details of the plot a few days later. But every so often I stumble upon a hidden gem that touches my heart, fills me with hope and humility, inspires, and sticks with me. A few weeks ago I was talking to my mom who lives several thousands of miles away, and she mentioned … [Read more...]
Untemplater Income Report April 2015
April was a great month. The weather warmed up, I stayed rather busy, got to try some new restaurants, and had some great times with family and friends. San Francisco is such a great home base! The days in April went by really fast, but that's nothing new. I have noticed that I have a harder time keeping track of which day of the week it is now that I do all my work from home … [Read more...]
The Best Things In Life Are Free!
I've always been one to LOVE free stuff. I'm sure a lot of you do too. It doesn't even have to be something that interesting or of great value for me to get excited about something free. San Francisco is a great city for free things and constantly has me saying, the best things in life are free! It's easy to get caught up in life and work but it's worth it to take a step back … [Read more...]
How To Make Faster Decisions And Stop Being Indecisive
Do you ever feel like there are so many choices that you just can't make up your mind? It can be enough to drive you crazy! Having choices is great but it can be frustrating, time-consuming, and even debilitating sometimes. But even with a seemingly endless amount of options we can learn how to make faster decisions and stop being indecisive. I want to share with you some … [Read more...]
What Is A Robo-Advisor And Should You Use One?
As a frugal person who enjoys personal finance, I am continually amazed at the growing number of financial tech (fintech) companies. A lot of them are headquartered just a stone's throw away from where I live, ie Personal Capital, Motif Investing, Wealthfront, and FutureAdvisor just to name a few. And I find it fascinating how these companies are revitalizing a stuffy, beaten … [Read more...]