With stock market turmoil happening again thanks to Greece, Puerto Rico, China and the US expecting to raise rates soon, many people are beginning to wonder whether we're in for a painful correction. Don't freak out! This post will help you learn how to weather a stock market downturn and ride through a storm. When the market was on the decline in 2009, investors panicked. … [Read more...]
Bridge The Intent Impact Gap For Better Communication
Over the last several months, I've spent a good amount of time reflecting and practicing self-improvement techniques. One area I've been working on is communication. More specifically, I'm focusing on bridging the intent impact gap when I communicate and listen. I'll get into what the intent impact gap means in a second. Being able to stop and think about who I am as a person … [Read more...]
Millennial Money Habits That Everyone Can Benefit From
As a borderline Millennial/Gen X’er myself, there are a lot of qualities I can relate to in both generations. Most of my friends are in Gen X, but I spent a good many years of my career working very closely with Millennials. I constantly think about how our actions and habits with money are shaping the future. Thus, I’m quite intrigued by the lifestyles of 20 and 30-somethings. … [Read more...]
Untemplater Income Report May 2015
May was a wonderful month full of beautiful San Francisco weather and learning. My expenses picked up over previous months as I did a fair amount traveling, but I anticipated that. I also have more traveling coming throughout the rest of the summer both in-state and cross country so I've stayed disciplined with my spending. I'm excited about continuing to fill my days with new … [Read more...]
Why Do We Hurt The Ones We Love The Most? Healing The Wounds Of Love
Relationships and families are crazy complicated. But when I was young I actually used to believe that only kid bullies and siblings were mean and that people magically all got along once they became adults. Now wouldn't that be nice. But obviously adults disagree, fight, disappoint, and betray each other all of the time. Putting strangers, acquaintances, and coworkers aside … [Read more...]