I don't hate many things in life, but I despise scammers, especially those that target small business owners and the self-employed. Running a business is hard enough as it is! As an entrepreneur - whether you're just the boss of yourself or running a growing company with employees - you've got to stay on your toes and watch out for small business scams. Dealing with the … [Read more...]
Save more money this summer like your life depends on it
We made it! June has arrived and hopefully a spectacularly adventurous and stupendous summer along with it. Even though I'm not in school anymore, there's just something exciting and refreshing about the months of June, July and August. Maybe it's my subconscious reminding me how excited I used to get in anticipation of summer vacation. I remember I used to feel like I had an … [Read more...]
How to get rid of weaknesses like a stealthy ninja
Summer is here and that means things are about to slow down, way down, probably including you. January feels like ancient history now, doesn't it? Chances are the zest and vigor you felt at the start of the year has waned and you may not even remember what you put on your list of resolutions. My memory certainly is a bit foggy. But my fantastic, fellow untemplaters, it's all … [Read more...]
Yes! The Best Rejection Ever
Normally, rejection sucks. No one enjoys being dismissed, passed over, or turned down especially when you feel you've done everything right. Rejection is at its worst when you get ridiculed - you just have to believe that karma will catch up to bullies and people who are rude. We can get so caught up in the moment when we want something so bad that we feel like our life is over … [Read more...]
Workaholics Anonymous: Untemplater Income Report April 2016
My confession / soundbite for April is that I have workaholic tendencies. Working a crazy number of hours last month reminded me why working only 40 hours a week is so easy in comparison. While it felt good to get so much accomplished, it also reminded me that we all have a breaking point no matter how motivated or invincible we may feel. Although my personality is pretty … [Read more...]