Are you starting to panic that December is practically half way over and the New Year is around the bend? I certainly have felt the weeks disappearing lately and only today remembered I need to get a jump on holiday gifts before I miss all the shipping deadlines for Christmas. Having to fork over expedited shipping costs at the last minute is such a burn and I don't want to get … [Read more...]
Do you have what it takes to be a penny-pincher?
Most people hate to budget. It can be restrictive, frustrating and down right tiresome. Plus, anything that takes time and extra effort is a great recipe for procrastination, which we all tend to struggle with from time to time. However, budgeting and ramping up your savings can also be extremely eye opening and rewarding. Who doesn't love to accomplish goals?! Building … [Read more...]
Tired of working? Imagine this…
Are you sick and tired of working? Feeling fed up and wish you could jump up and shout, "I quit!" for everyone to hear? Believe me I've been there and boy do I know how you feel. But before you go and do anything rash, I want you to hear some true stories of people I've met that have inspired me to actually work harder and reflect on the blessings I have in life. I hope these … [Read more...]
Make fewer decisions for greater happiness
Have you ever taken the time to literally count how many decisions you make every day? I sure haven't. I doubt you have either because our daily decision counts probably reach into the hundreds! It's pretty crazy how many decisions we can wind up facing on a day to day basis. And most of the time we aren't really paying attention that we're making decisions either. It actually … [Read more...]
Why did so many women vote for Trump? : Untemplater Income Report October 2016
It's pretty shocking how much can change in one month. The obvious shock I'm referring to is that Trump got elected. I'm not one to fiercely debate politics or run around shouting that my beliefs are the right beliefs and other people's are wrong. But I will say I'm not happy that Trump will be going into office. At the end of the day, I'm still proud to be an American. … [Read more...]