I spent a large portion of my career in management. That involved overseeing a team of associates who reported to me, a range of clients I had to keep happy and reporting to upper management who counted on me to keep things running smoothly. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Towards the end, it was mostly the worst of times. Leaving my management career … [Read more...]
Here’s how to increase productivity and get more done right now
If there's one time of year we tend to think a lot about productivity, it's right now. With last year done and dusted, we should all be focused on how to make this year even better than the last. How do we do that? One of my favorite ways is by improving productivity. Increased productivity means higher output, better efficiency, more money, increased happiness and less stress. … [Read more...]
Technical difficulties suck: Untemplater Income Report December 2016
As those of you fellow bloggers know all too well, our biggest nightmares are when our sites break unexpectedly or get hacked. It's the most unsettling feeling ever, especially for those like me who aren't the most technically savvy with all that complicated back end stuff. Fortunately, Untemplater wasn't hacked last month, but I did run into several different technical … [Read more...]
It IS possible to have a dream career!
It's a great time of year to think about what you've accomplished so far in life and where you want to go from here. Get excited! A huge percentage of our lifetimes are spent working, thus finding a job within an industry that brings meaning to your life in one way or another is something everyone should strive to achieve. I hope by the end of this post you'll feel more … [Read more...]
Three core themes you can’t afford to ignore in the new year
Happy New Year everyone! January has arrived and now we've all got to get used to writing 2017 whenever we write the date. It's always a bit weird at first, isn't it? With the holiday season behind us, it's time to get back into the swing of things and get excited about what's to come over the next 12 months. If you haven't set any resolutions for the new year, I encourage you … [Read more...]