It’s no surprise that business failure rates tend to rise during recessions and decline in expansions. Despite all of this, optimistic data reports that the number of companies shutting down each year today compared to forty years ago has dropped by 30 percent. There are so many reasons why businesses fail, but five likely reasons the closure rate has been on the decline … [Read more...]
7 Ways to be a better leader at any age
Some people are lucky to be natural born leaders adept at capturing attention and inspiring those around them. They make it look so easy! For most of us, however, leadership takes a lot of practice and time to develop. It can be intimidating being in charge of other people and having additional responsibilities on your shoulders. That's why starting early in small settings, … [Read more...]
How much should you save for retirement by age?
Does retirement seem like it's ages away? Even if yours is several decades away, it's never too early to start saving for it. The sooner you start, the better actually. Unfortunately, most Americans aren’t anywhere close to prepared for their retirement. The Employee Benefit Research Institute reported that 41 percent of households aged 55-64 have zero retirement savings. Zero, … [Read more...]
Holy hailstorm Batman! Untemplater Income Report January 2017
I haven't seen it rain in San Francisco like it did last month in a long, long time. We got so much rain that SF is now officially out of its drought (hooray!) and I didn't have spend any time watering the plants outside. We had a lot of high winds and at least four downpours of hail! It's so bizarre to watch and listen to a hailstorm. They come on so suddenly and with such … [Read more...]
Why Are Many Millennials Still So Entitled? Me Me Me!
During high school I remember feeling like my soul was older than my body. This feeling became stronger during college. I felt like my peers were still so immature running around from party to party while I stayed in my room and studied. All I could think about was graduating as soon as possible so I could start working and live my life. Meanwhile, most of my peers were playing … [Read more...]