"I wanna be rich, lalala lalalala. Full of love, peace and happiness." When I was in fourth grade, R&B duo Calloway came out with their top 10 hit single, "I wanna be rich." Perhaps you remember it. It's quite a cheesy song, but it's upbeat and super catchy. I have no doubt I will be singing that song for the rest of the day because it'll be stuck in my head. I used to … [Read more...]
What’s your persuasion IQ?
Ever notice how some people always seem to be able to get everything they want? No matter how tricky a situation they're put in, they just seem to know how to talk things out to their advantage. One of my good friends has this gift and it's incredibly entertaining to watch. There's an art to persuasion that even the verbally clumsy and introverted (like me) can learn with … [Read more...]
A shiny new laptop at last! Untemplater Income Report February 2017
After almost seven years, I finally got a shiny new laptop! I've been wanting a new laptop for several years already but kept delaying the purchase because I wanted to max out my old computer as much as possible. I was also waiting for Apple to come out with a new 15" MacBook Pro worthy of an upgrade. Apple products are not cheap, but I love them and to me, they are worth the … [Read more...]
100 Reasons why businesses fail
It’s no surprise that business failure rates tend to rise during recessions and decline in expansions. Despite all of this, optimistic data reports that the number of companies shutting down each year today compared to forty years ago has dropped by 30 percent. There are so many reasons why businesses fail, but five likely reasons the closure rate has been on the decline … [Read more...]
7 Ways to be a better leader at any age
Some people are lucky to be natural born leaders adept at capturing attention and inspiring those around them. They make it look so easy! For most of us, however, leadership takes a lot of practice and time to develop. It can be intimidating being in charge of other people and having additional responsibilities on your shoulders. That's why starting early in small settings, … [Read more...]