Happy New Year Untemplaters! I like to spend this time of year reviewing how the past year went. It’s a great way to reflect on what went well and how I want to improve in the new year. But what totally caught me off guard this time around is that 2024 was the year I earmarked to revisit a set of 10-year predictions I made back in 2014.
Wow! Another 10 Years Are Gone In A Blink
I completely forgot I even made them! The only reason I remembered was that while running a search for my 2024 goals, I happened to stumble upon a 2014 article I wrote entitled, A Letter To My Future Self: 10 Year Predictions 2014 – 2024.
I made my very first letter of ten-year predictions way back in high school alongside my best friend. We were two starry eyed day dreamers writing silly bets on things like who we’d marry, where we’d be living, and what type of careers we’d have. Most of our original predictions were way off. But we got better at it when we repeated the same exercise in our 20s.
Our friendship largely faded by the time I was in my 30s, primarily due to distance. But I decided to keep the tradition going on my own. It was then in 2014 during my mid-30s that I put together my third round of 10-year predictions.
I was in such awe when I re-read this third letter to future myself because I couldn’t remember any of the forecasts I had made. Yet, I’m pleasantly shocked how well I knew myself. Almost everything came true.
Revisiting My 10-Year Predictions For 2024
Here’s a quick look at what I predicted about my life and how things actually turned out.
1. Finally start a family. Sniff, sniff. Incredibly this came true as I became a proud mama to not just one child, but two. It’s a continually evolving set of chapters that I can’t imagine not having in my life now that I’ve been a parent for over seven years. I feel incredibly blessed to have a family.
2. Get a cat once and for all. Lo and behold, my husband and I did get a cat, albeit temporary. Even though we got a hypoallergenic Siberian cat, the dander was too heavy and badly triggered my dh’s allergies. The cat, Tabi, despite being a total cuddle ball, had a lot of unfortunate health issues as well. At least her original owner was able to take her back in and find a new home for her.
3. Major travel slowdown. I still traveled a fair amount until 2016, but after that things did indeed ground to a halt. I went from flying places 3-4 times a year to an air travel blackout for seven years!
4. Still be a blogger. This is also true, although my pace is not nearly what I hoped. But even though I am not blogging on Untemplater itself as regularly as I’d imagined, I’m still very much active in the publication and editorial industries.
5. Learn how to cook and actually like it. Ha, this also came true although not until 2024. I cooked here and there over the last 10 years. But it wasn’t until certain dietary restrictions became an issue for my family this year that I had to step up my game. I still love the ease of ordering take out, but I also do enjoy making dinner 2-4 times a week nowadays when I’ve planned things well.
It’s Funny How Life Turns Out Sometimes
6. Grow stronger from failures, loss, and recovery. This was a bit broad, but I do feel stronger now than I was ten years ago. Parenting for sure has made me tougher and more resilient. You simply have to get stronger for sanity and survival.
7. The seventh prediction I made wasn’t posted publicly, but it was basically something about my parents. That didn’t materialize, but it was still a decent forecast.
8. Write a book. This is something I put on my bucket list ages ago. I have yet to write my own book (shame on me). However, I have worked on a team to get two books published and a third significantly expanded. So even though I can’t take credit for the authorship, I do feel great about the work I’ve done in the publication space.
9. Retire from my day job. This amazingly came true. Although I am still working today, I no longer have my traditional full-time day job. Being able to negotiate a severance and switch career paths has been an incredible blessing and completely changed my life. So much so that I can’t imagine going back to a corporate environment with so many restrictions.
10. Turn into a health nut. I feel like this has also largely come true. I’m still not huge on cardio or aerobic exercise, but I have become a lot more careful about what I eat and drink. I’ve given up on caffeine (again) and feel my diet is much more balanced and healthier overall.
Make Your Own 10-Year Predictions
If you’ve never made any long-term predictions for yourself, I encourage you to do so. Making annual goals and resolutions is of course a fantastic option as well. But coming up with 10-year predictions is an additional fun way to challenge yourself to turn long-term focused forecasts into reality. Take it from me that the feeling of flashing back a decade to when you first wrote them is uncanny.
Ten years can really flash by much faster than you’d expect. Just don’t forget to set yourself a reminder ten years from now to revisit your list! It’s easier to forget than you may realize. I was lucky I stumbled upon my list when I did!
Thanks for stopping by to read my 10-year prediction results. Next up will be a recap of my 2024 hits and misses, my 2025 goals, and then my fourth round of personal 10-year predictions for 2025-2035. Stay tuned!
Very cool you made 10 year predictions! And many of them came true. Here’s to another great 10 years.
Thank you! It was such a surprise to not only find my letter to future self, but to see how many things actually came true. I’ve been letting my thoughts and ideas percolate for my next letter over the last week.
That was cool seeing the comments from 2014. I just hope that I am very healthy in 2034 and that I have a nice monthly cash flow from real estate and working part time fixing up houses and selling them. I hope that I remember that I posted a reply and that my house buying website is still live
I love this idea! My partner would call this manifesting—focusing on and imagining the things that you want, then letting them go—in order to call them into being.
Im wondering where to put this letter to my future self so that i can find it in ten years 😀
Thanks Colleen! You should totally write one! You could put it in a safety deposit box or save a digital copy on your laptop with a spare copy in your email inbox. It’s a pretty incredible feeling reading something in your younger self’s words from ten years prior.