As a personal finance blogger who is also an entrepreneur, I'd like to share with you some personal finance goals for entrepreneurs or business owners. Lifestyle blogs are sexy because they conjure up images of working from a bungalow overlooking the beach. That's great and all, but as I wrote in the post, "Quit Your Job And Die Alone," entrepreneurship is not easy. I'm a … [Read more...]
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs – Yay Or Nay?
Consolidating your student loans is a no-brainer. Interest rates have been coming down for the past 10 years while being able to pay just one payment makes things so much easier. Paying off your debt on time is the honorable thing to do. It is also up to everybody with debt to actively find solutions to reduce their interest burdens. But what about student loan forgiveness … [Read more...]
College Loan Consolidation Advice In A Debt Laden World
Like many of you, I graduated with thousands of dollars in debt - $16,500 to be exact. My student loans could have been a lot worse, but I worked part-time during college and managed to get a partial scholarship to pay for tuition. My lower income parents risked so much financially for me to go to college. There was no way I could let them down! I want to share with you a bit … [Read more...]
Want To Start A Successful Business? Learn How To Budget First!
Successful, young entrepreneurs make things look easy. We hear about their glamorous rises to fame, see pictures of their shiny cars and expensive homes, and watch their stock prices climb. But rarely do we hear about the financial support they had from their parents, the countless nights they got by on 2 hours of sleep, the friends they lost from becoming workaholics, or their … [Read more...]
Happy Halloween! Scary Facts About Business
Happy Halloween Untemplaters! This is one of my favorite holidays because we all get a chance to be totally silly and show off some creativity with ridiculous and funny costumes. It's also a thrill watching scary movies in the dark, pranking friends, and of course munching on all sorts of candy especially when it's free. I almost got hooked on eating candy corn this year, but … [Read more...]