When my lifestyle business took off a few years ago allowing me to quit my full time job, I decided that I wanted to celebrate the fact in style. So I booked a two week luxury vacation in Cuba. For 14 long days I sat in the sun, swam in the pool and drank cocktails on the beach. Then just three weeks after returning home I headed off to Costa Rica for a month of … [Read more...]
Still Knocking On Doors? Find Your Passion in Entrepreneurship & Create Your Own
It was ingrained into my head at a very early age that true success (and therefore wealth) is derived almost exclusively from hard work. It was told to me over and over again that there's just no other way to go about it. The rich are just lucky and that's all there is to it. In order to make a good living, you have to find work somewhere and be diligent. Eventually you'll be … [Read more...]
How to Know if Your Business Idea’s Any Good
You're ready to start your own business. You've got a killer idea, and you can't stand one more day in your office (or, let's face it, on your parents' couch). How do you know that the idea is a good one? What if you work your butt off and when you make your grand reveal, people don't like it? Or worse, what if they don't care? These questions roar through the heads of … [Read more...]
Have a great idea, but need a tech co-founder?
It seems like everyone these days has a great idea, but don't have the exact skills to implement it. Several people have recently asked me -- "How do I find a tech co-founder? I've got a great idea, but I need someone to help me implement it." Since I was in a similar position a few years ago, I've decided to share some thoughts on what I believe the idea guy should do in … [Read more...]
You Don’t Know Anything About Business
I love business. If business were a Hispanic male named Armando, I’d have a full on love affair with him. But it’ s not. So anyways… Hi. I’m Lauryn. I am a full-blooded entrepreneur if I ever knew one. I love creating, building, making money and helping the world around me live with greater efficiency, freedom and enjoyment. But building businesses is not as easy or … [Read more...]