Interviewing can be a nerve wracking experience, but it doesn't have to be if you take the time to prepare yourself first. No matter what industry you're trying to get a position in, there are a lot of common interview questions you need to master which come up all the time. Even if you think you have the finesse to put together polished answers on the fly, why risk it? Of … [Read more...]
Untemplate And Go Against The Grain
Recently I got back in touch with some of my old friends from high school. Admittedly it had been a while since we had any correspondence and it was nice to catch up. One of my friends was a brand new first time mom to a healthy baby boy, and another had two daughters with curly, blonde pigtails that recently turned 2 and 4. They each told me happy stories about being … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have To Be Famous To Be A Rockstar
You Don’t Have to be Famous to be a Rockstar... When I biked my way to the beach earlier this month, I had to peddle as hard as I could into the wind. It wasn’t easy overcoming the obstacles in my path, but once I set my focus on my destination, everything fell into place. I’m so glad I made it to the beach that day because what I witnessed there inspired me to write this … [Read more...]
Job Interview Tips: Don’t Be A Slob Or A Stink Bomb
Job Interview Tips: Don’t Be A Slob Or A Stink Bomb. Searching for a job can be one giant time consuming and emotional process. It can feel like a job in itself filling out applications, writing cover letters, and waiting for the phone to ring. When your phone finally does start ringing and you’re greeted by the sweet news that someone wants to set up an interview with you, … [Read more...]
How To Overcome Obstacles: Forget Wheaties, Gobble Up Problems For Breakfast!
While I was on a bike ride peddling my way towards the beach on Sunday, I felt the power of the wind pushing me backwards. The sheer force made me feel like a little kid stuck running in place because a big tall bully had his arm outstretched and his hand pushed against my forehead, keeping me from getting past him. I shook that image out of my head and tried to peddle … [Read more...]