Seven days is a nice amount of time, but so often we're juggling a million things wondering how to make more time every week. So what makes up a week of time anyway? For a lot of people it's five days of commuting, studying/working, making phone calls, going to meetings, deleting hundreds of emails, followed by two precious days on the weekend to veg out and spend time with … [Read more...]
How To Cope With The Agony Of Waiting
There are many times in our lives when we have to cope with the agony of waiting. When things are out of our control and we’re stuck waiting, it can be so hard not to jump up and down and scream. I know what it feels like to numbingly stare at the second hand tick, tick, ticking by on the clock. Our patience and ability to stay calm and collected are put to the test when we … [Read more...]
When Is It Time To Quit? Why I Gave Up My Dream
Anyone who wants to live an untemplate life will find themselves wondering at some point in their life, when is it time to quit? We all have had lofty dreams and passions that we'd love to make a living from, but realistically a lot of those dreams don't come true, and sometimes we just need to throw in the towel or pivot in a different direction. I got my first real … [Read more...]
What To See In London: Highlights And Travel Tips
With the London Olympics in full swing, I've had a lot of memories rush back to me from the time I spent traveling around the city a few years ago. Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies and I always feel happy and excited when I see familiar places I've visited on TV. I often start shouting out, "I was there!" and start jabbering on about the things I saw, the food I ate, … [Read more...]
A Delicious Interview With The Founder Of The Chai Cart
The first time I tasted chai tea was when I was in college, and I was instantly hooked. A friend of mine took fresh spices and slowly brewed the delicious tea on the stove in our kitchen dorm one chilly Sunday morning. We sat and sipped tea, chatting for the next hour as we happily took a study break from Statistics 101. After moving out to San Francisco, I had the hardest … [Read more...]