Work can turn into such a grind over time that we start daydreaming about doing something else. If you've been in the workforce for at least five years, I'm sure you've thought about jumping ship many times already. But daydreaming about changing jobs is quite different than actively pursuing a new position. After all, it takes time and effort to land interviews and find a new … [Read more...]
LINK by Prudential Review: Reach Financial Goals Easier
One of the main reasons I was able to leave my office job to pursue my dreams as a writer, small business owner, and now be a stay-at-home-mom is financial independence. I became financially independent through discipline, setting goals, and educating myself on personal finance topics. It wasn't always easy! In today's hectic and competitive world, designing a clear financial … [Read more...]
Vibram FiveFingers Review: My Discovery of “Barefoot” Hiking
There are a lot of shoes in the world, and Vibrams are some of the strangest. As a result, you may be wondering what it's like to wear them. This Vibram FiveFingers Review goes into detail of my own experience discovering and wearing this funny line of footwear. Strange Shoe Sightings The first time I saw Vibram FiveFingers shoes I scrunched up my face and thought “EW what is … [Read more...]
Moonwalking with Einstein Review – Learn How To Improve Your Memory!
Memories are priceless. They make us who we are today and drive us forward. Now that I'm getting older, I've noticed my short term memory isn't as sharp anymore. I'm also often sleep deprived, which has really taken a toll on me. But what's great is that it is possible to strengthen our memory like a muscle. I read a fascinating book about it and want to share my thoughts on it … [Read more...]
Things To Know Before Having A Baby: Lifestyle Reality Check
Having a baby is a major life changer in more ways that I could have imagined. So I'm proud to say I have two years of parenthood under my belt. Time really does go faster when you have kids. Parenthood has kicked my as$ and lifted me up in countless, unexpected ways. It also totally zapped my ability to work the first year and still limits how much "free time" I have to work … [Read more...]