I've been to Las Vegas three times in my life, and each trip were all completely different. The first time I was in Vegas I was young enough to need a babysitter while my parents went gambling. I played a lot of arcade games and swam at the pool. The second time I went to Vegas was sometime after college, which was a relaxing, slow paced trip taking in the sights and spending … [Read more...]
What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What You Want To Do With Your Life?
Some people know from an early age exactly what kind of career they want to have. They have a laser like focus, start picking up skills when they're young, and fall right into their niche. But most of us aren't so lucky. We roughly know what we want to major in at college, manage to get our degree, take the first full time job offer we can find, and then start to question … [Read more...]
Escape The Grind In Beautiful Bruges, Belgium
Each year I try to travel to a new country. I love the excitement of experiencing new cultures, tasting local cuisines, and seeing new things everyday. This year I chose to escape the grind in beautiful Bruges, Belgium. It is a charming, quiet city near the Northwestern coast of Belgium. Most people have heard of Brussels or Antwerp, but Bruges is the best of all three in my … [Read more...]
Can Introverts Succeed As Leaders And Entrepreneurs: YES!
If I asked you which personality type, extrovert or introvert, a successful entrepreneur or employee is better off having, how many of you would pick introvert? Probably not very many of you. We've been led to believe in our society, schools, and work environments that being introverted is a negative quality. But can introverts succeed as leaders and entrepreneurs? I hope I … [Read more...]
Get Enlightened: Break Free And Discover Your True Life’s Meaning
What I love about Untemplater is sharing stories, inspirations, and different perspectives of discovering and living an untemplate life. Untemplater reader Sam Thinks put together his thoughts on breaking free and how to get enlightened with some great philosophical quotes. Now in his own words: Fresh Ideas I’ve been stuck in a rut. I work (but not for long!) in a … [Read more...]