I've had a rough year so far. Scratch that, make that a rough ten months. It's unfortunate that this has been the most stressful and challenging period of my career. So much for thinking things get easier the more work experience you accumulate. Recently I had a bit of a wake up call when someone close to me asked, "what if you lost everything except your career?" I was … [Read more...]
8 Advantages And Pitfalls Of Being A Perfectionist: My Not So Secret Confessions
One of my strengths, which is actually also one of my weaknesses, is being a perfectionist. How can perfectionism be both you may ask? The main reason is because there are many advantages and pitfalls of being a perfectionist. And they tend to drive people like me crazy because we hate making mistakes and have high expectations for ourselves. If you're a perfectionist … [Read more...]
Why You Should Listen To Your Elders At Work And In Life
Since we were little tikes, our parents have been saying to us, "listen to your elders," "because I said so," "you’ll understand when you’re older," and "someday you’ll realize that I’m right." You must remember how annoying it was to hear that, especially as a teenager. I know I sure do. I can't even count the number of times I used to roll my eyes when I heard those phrases. … [Read more...]
How To Get A Scuba Diving Certification: My Bucket List Quest Has Begun!
Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by the ocean and marine life. As much as I love the water, I'm humbled and intimidated by it as well. This past Spring I got a taste of scuba diving, which I never imagined I'd ever have the nerve to try. It was a thrill of a lifetime. And now I've made the bold decision to get my scuba diving certification! When I was younger I … [Read more...]
Redefine Your Limits And Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined
The mind and body are powerful tools. And they are also some of our biggest road blocks. Athletes are constantly pushing themselves to keep going when their bodies are telling them to stop. While engineers and scientists are always looking for new discoveries that our brains and physics tell us just isn't possible. It's hard to believe in the unknown and look beyond the … [Read more...]