Gosh, summer flew by in a flash and we're now smack dab in the middle of back to school. Hope all of you had a nice Labor Day Weekend! If you're enrolled in classes this Fall, congrats on being one step closer to your degree! For the rest of us who are working, it's good to remember the excitement and energy we used to have as students and find ways to apply that to our … [Read more...]
15 Tips On How To Gain Authority At Work And Get More Respect
The desired progression in any career path is to advance and move upwards. But things don't always work out that way. Sometimes we move sideways, often we get stuck, and occasionally we even get pushed backwards. Nobody's perfect and sometimes we get hit with expected career curveballs. Other times we may willingly choose to accept a junior role in order to switch industries … [Read more...]
The Sweet Taste Of Victory: YES! Holy Smokes I Did It!
There's no greater feeling than the moment you achieve a goal, cross the finish line, and complete something remarkable. The sweet taste of victory is euphoric and filled with immeasurable happiness. But it takes a lot to get there. I'm talking sweat, anxiety, conquering fears, taking risks, and building mental toughness. But a lot of times we get lazy and don't want to get … [Read more...]
Travel Smarter And Have More Fun The Untemplate Way
Summer is coming to a close, but many people are still running around on 1-2 week vacations basking in the sun. I'm jealous. I haven't taken a vacation since the Spring, which feels like ages ago, and I'm so ready for my next one. I just have to be patient. Perhaps you just came back from a trip and are feeling sluggish trying to get back into the rhythm of normal life again. … [Read more...]
The Right Ways To Multitask Without Damaging Your Brain
I remember when describing yourself as a multitasker was an attribute every employer wanted to hear from job candidates. Nowadays, not so much. Why? Because too many people are doing it wrong! The world is a lot more complicated and fast paced now, and so many of us don't know how to sit still or focus effectively. We feel like we have to be doing something all the time, even … [Read more...]