Change is hard, especially when it's prescribed by someone else or events out of our control. Having to learn how to navigate around a new platform can be frustrating. Adjusting to a new schedule or a different set of work assignments can feel overwhelming. Having to rebuild or relocate after your home is destroyed by fire is devastating. And being told aspects of our … [Read more...]
Nothing Is Permanent
When I was in college, I remember a group of Tibetan monks came to visit our school. The main purpose of their visit was education and sharing one of their unique Buddhist traditions, the creation and destruction of a sand mandala. I had never heard of a sand mandala before so I had no idea what to expect or what the significance was. In short, the wisdom they would impart on … [Read more...]
Who Should Pay For A Wedding? You May Not Like The Answer
Weddings are a ginormous industry in the U.S. That's right, an industry. Did you know there are roughly 2.5 million weddings each year? That generates a whopping 40 billion (yes forty beeeellion) dollars every twelve months. That is nuts. Which begs the question, who should pay for a wedding? If you're engaged - congrats, it's probably you! The Bride, The Groom, His Parents, … [Read more...]
12 Tips To Prevent Cold And Flu In The Office Because Being Sick Sucks!
Being sick is the worst, especially if you get sick from a contagious coworker! Getting sick from a loved one at home is understandable, but when the culprit is a colleague you get angry and start planning ways to get your revenge. The workplace can be an easy place to pick up germs and viruses with so many people in close quarters and sloppy hygiene habits. But you can utilize … [Read more...]
20 Signs You Should Find A New Job
First quarter is a popular time to look for new opportunities and switch jobs. Budgets reset, positions open up with a lot of people moving around, and motivation is high to start something new and fresh. But landing a new job is easier said than done, plus it can be hard to figure out when is the right time to switch positions. To help you decide, here are 20 signs you should … [Read more...]