I just finished watching the season finale of Breaking Bad! Thanks to Netflix streaming, I watched the last several seasons over just a few short weeks, and eagerly plowed through part 2 of season 5 within a few days of it getting released last week. I had some fun conversations with friends about the show over the weekend and how it teaches us a few things about business and … [Read more...]
An Ice Tsunami Bulldozes Over Homes And Insurance Companies Won’t Pay
Take a look at the video below. You will see something you've probably never seen before, a wall of ice quickly moving off a lake to destroy all the homes in its path. The official term is an ice shove, but that doesn't sound nearly as interesting as ice tsunami! I had no idea that this type of phenomenon even existed; it's totally insane. And how creepy is the sound of the ice … [Read more...]
All Too Common Mistakes To Avoid At Work: Don’t Be THAT Guy
Have you ever done something so stupid at the office you just want to kick yourself? We all have! There are a lot of common mistakes to avoid at work simply by being aware of what could happen and being more careful. While newer employees tend to make more mistakes due to lack of experience, that doesn't mean you're safe if you've been on the job for a couple years. And even … [Read more...]
Should I Get A Cat? Weighing The Pros Cons And Costs Of Getting A Cat
As a former owner of two cats for 17 years, I've been thinking about getting another pet recently and wondering "should I get a cat?" When you've had any pet for that long, it's not as easy a decision as you might think to get another pet. A LOT happens in 17 years. After all I had my two cats for half of my entire life! It's pretty crazy when you think about it that way. So … [Read more...]
Why Are Some Clients Total Jerks?! 6 Reasons For Rude Clients
Pretty much every business out there has clients. Perhaps the more specific label you'd give them within your business would be readers, consumers, renters, patients, students, patrons, customers, or guests. But at the end of the day, they're your clients, even if they're rude clients. And they have a giant impact on both the success and enjoyment factor of your job. Lately, a … [Read more...]