Remember being confused as a kid trying to figure out when it's okay to tell a white lie, but not okay to tell other types of lies? I remember laughing a lot when I watched the Jim Carrey movie Liar Liar, when the main character played by Jim has a magical wish cast on him by his son that prevents him from telling any type of lie. We can get so used to telling lies, especially … [Read more...]
How I Save Money On Travel Without Getting Stressed Out
Because of my work and personal addiction to see new places, I think it's pretty fair to say I travel a lot more than the average person. I'm not a ten million miles reward member like George Clooney in Up In The Air by any means, but I've seen a lot of places and have no plans to stop my mobile lifestyle. The main things I've learned from all my traveling over the years are … [Read more...]
A Fresh Start For Exciting And Challenging Changes
I've become quite accustom to setting goals at the start of every new year, and unlike some people who dread resolutions, I absolutely love them. I've averaged around 70% success on my goals for the past couple years and I want to keep that momentum going. Life is too precious to accept mediocrity and plateauing. And based on some big events in my life last year, 2015 is going … [Read more...]
Wins And Losses Of 2014
The second half of 2014 was a total blur for me. Overall it was a decent year, but I definitely had some struggles with stress and its challenging side effects. This time last year, I calculated that I had achieved 70% of my 2013 goals, and wanted to beat that percentage in 2014. The good news is I did beat 70% this year, but just barely! I set 7 goals for the year and … [Read more...]
Managing Debt In Your 30s and 40s
Managing debt can be a struggle at any age and it can have a major impact on your life. It's unfortunately pretty common now for young adults to graduate and start their careers with a lot of debt. Limited resources, burgeoning expenses entering the real world, and receiving the low end income range of entry level jobs are a reality. It is possible to advance your career and … [Read more...]