How many times have we heard people raving about following your passion? A lot. It’s not a surprise that “passion” was put on the 2014 list of banished words because people got so sick of hearing it. I’m certainly guilty of having used it. But I recently gained a fresh perspective on passion and success from Mike Rowe that is share worthy. I’ll do my best to limit the use of … [Read more...]
Mobile-Integrated Health Care Is Changing EMS Careers
Now that I work independently, I have to pay a heck of a lot more for my health insurance. I miss the days when I had fully employer-sponsored insurance. The last few years I was there, I had to start paying a couple hundred a month, which still was fairly reasonable for the type of plan I had. Anyway, I think about health care a lot more now since I'm paying out the nose and … [Read more...]
Seven Unexpected Aspects Of Freelancing
It’s pretty crazy that I’m already in my eighth month of freelancing after breaking away from a thirteen-year career grinding away in the corporate world. One thing is for sure-when you are self-employed, things are constantly changing. Over the last wonderful and travel heavy three weeks, I had some unexpected aspects of freelancing come to me that I want to share with … [Read more...]
Income Report August 2015
It's mid September and my head is spinning. For the last three plus weeks I've been traveling around California and up and down the east coast. Travel is fun, refreshing and rewarding, but I'm looking forward to going home to SF soon. I could use a break from airports and living out of a backpack for a couple months. With less than six months left to the year, I want to step … [Read more...]
Getting Fired For A Disability Turned Me Into An Entrepreneur
Today's post comes from a British reader and entrepreneur, Dan Ray, who is living an untemplate lifestyle after getting fired from his day job. Life can throw us unexpected punches, but people like Dan have learned how to fight back and make lemonade out of lemons. Since the age of 8 years old, I have had kidney disease as well as diabetes. These are technically … [Read more...]