Money, money, money. We all need it, but the way we use it and how much we each have of it varies so much. I’m fearful that in many parts of the U.S., more and more many people are developing insensitive, entitled attitudes that are stripping away the best qualities of being human. Recently I found myself wondering, will the widening income gap kill human kindness? Like It Or … [Read more...]
Financial Wisdom From Famous Investors On Growing Wealth
In a world full of opportunity and investment choices, figuring out to make the smartest career and investment moves for the best chances at achieving great wealth can feel overwhelming. Sometimes having too many choices and directions can be paralyzing. If only I could just win the lottery and become a billionaire overnight or pick up stock picking and become the next Warren … [Read more...]
15 Ways Bad Credit Hurts Your Lifestyle, Career, And Relationships
When I was in college I had no idea how important building credit is and how much I would need a good credit score throughout my adult life. Thankfully my mom knew I should start to build credit as soon as I could so she co-signed for me on my first credit card. I didn't spend a whole lot, but I always paid my bills on time and over time I developed a strong credit … [Read more...]
Counting My Lucky Stars: Untemplater Income Report January 2016
Phew, what a wild week and a half it's been for me. Thank you so much to those of you who sent me get well wishes and support. I had no idea I'd wind up in the hospital, and thankfully I am feeling a lot better and my recovery has been going really well so far. I feel very lucky for having access to great doctors, the donors who helped make UCSF Mission Bay hospital … [Read more...]
I Am Lucky To Be Alive: Thank You UCSF For Saving My Life!
Life changing moments don't happen that frequently, but when they do it's crazy how much can literally change and flash right before your eyes. Priorities can shift in a split second. Shock and emotions can swoosh in and become overpowering. You may have to make a life altering decision on the spot. You may also have to be courageous enough to put your own life in someone … [Read more...]