These are some reads that are either very related to the untemplate message or just plain awesome stuff.
This week’s reading is called the “Just Doing It” edition because while many of us can get stuck in the planning stages of making a big change in our lives, we don’t actually do what we set out. Many of the articles this week are about getting started with taking measurable steps toward your goal… NOW.
The Fine Art of Making Mistakes – Dragos Roua
Everybody makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them or takes them well. Dragos Roua helps us understand better ways to deal with these mini-failures.
Go on a Pilates Date with me – Amber Zuckswert at Epic Self
Amber’s virtual pilates sessions have launched! Improve your strength, improve your flexibility, and improve your life!
Why Most People Fail to Make A Living Doing What They Love – Jonathan Mead at Illuminated Mind
Jonathan Mead is once again opening up his Paid to Exist program. Enrollment is limited to the first 75 people, and it officially closes Feb. 21st.
What do you think of this week’s links? Know any articles worth sharing with the Untemplater community? Let us know!
Great stuff these will be my Sunday readings 🙂 I love finding new blogs and articles!
Thanks for the shout out Dariane! Great list of some awesome work out there.
Hey, Dariane
Thanks for the mention, highly appreciate it (even if it was by mistake 😉 ). By the way, I think untemplater is a really, really cool project and I wish you guys all the success in the world, you totally deserve it. As for the fine company in which your mention catapulted me, all I can say is that I’m humbled, so many exceptional bloggers I already know and follow in this awesome crowd.