In order to accomplish my goals of being productive, thought provoking, and relatively pleased with myself everyday I tell myself
What two tasks will I do today to bring myself one step closer towards my dreams? And, what two tasks will I not do today?
I’m wondering what’s the one thing you tell yourself everyday to keep yourself aligned with your goals and dreams?
*** Make it brief. Don’t make it longer than it has to be. In fact, make it 140 characters or less. Hopefully by adopting the methods of Twitter I’m able to force you to write a short, clear, and to the point phrase that’s unique to yourself and also acts as an example for those who don’t have a motivational saying in their lives yet.
Torbjorn says
Recently I’ve been reminding myself that I have to continue to do things that will benefit my 1.5yr plan for my business growth. Project timing and tasks stay on course through straight-up organization and pre-planning…BUT growth and innovation will come from knowing that you have a long-term growth plan.
I need partners and projects down the road – and they will not be impressed with a small company that has been profitable, yet stagnant since it started. One needs growth plans at multiple time-frames.
Meg says
“Once in a while, it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to,” Alan Keightley — This is one of my favorite quotes I’ve ever come across.
In addition to that, I sometimes remember, “That which we manifest is before us,” and another favorite, “Your car goes where your eyes go.” Both of those from The Art of Racing in the Rain, like my favorite novel ever. 🙂 I’m planning on getting the second phrase in Italian tattooed on my arm, hopefully this summer!
Arsene Hodali says
One of my fav quotes too (the Alan Keightley one).
=) “screw the whiteboard, I’m going to write this on my body.” ~ you
I like.
David Crandall - Heroic Destiny says
Mine is more of motivation than thought provoking: What am I going to do today that will make a better life for my wife and kids.
It’s surprising how motivating that can be. 🙂
Arsene Hodali says
Haha, not everything with me has to be “thought provoking”.
I like your motivator.
Tom Harrington says
Great advice, my friend. I thank you!
Norcross says
“Burn The Boats”
Legend has it that when Cortes landed in Mexico in the 1500s, he ordered his men to burn the ships that had brought them there to remove the possibility of doing anything other than going forward into the unknown.
Arsene Hodali says
Personally I try to do this as much as I can… with a lot of thinking about it first though.
Adventure-Some Matthew says
You can work hard to make yourself rich or you can work hard to make someone else rich.
I have this quote written on my markerboard, where I do all of my outlining and planning. It kicks me in the butt when I start getting complacent.
Arsene Hodali says
Markerboard for the win!
I keep my quote as my desktop background. I never miss it.
Scott says
I get the brief part, but I disagree with that 140 words being the sum total of what you tell yourself to succeed. It can be a reminder of your greater narrative, but shouldn’t be the central piece.
Jim Loehr is a sports psychologist and does a lot of coaching for the top athletes and executives in the world. His bottom line thesis is that the way to use self-affirmation isn’t to go all Stuart Smalley on yourself, but to sit down and write your narrative – where you’ve been, where you are at, and where you want to go – and then fill in the “How” in between. It important to remind yourself where you are at and where you have been so that you can see results and feel accomplished. Without that, motivation wanes. So my point is that constructing your narrative, and then reminding yourself of that every day produces much more potent results.
I would highly recommend Loehr’s book “The Power of Story” about this subject. It’s really good.
Arsene Hodali says
Your comment rules!
And I do have to say that when I said keep it at 140 characters I meant it as a suggestion, not as a “must-follow rule”.
I just wanted to see if I can push those people without mottos to make one up (and those with to share)… And it being short means it’s more easily remembered.
Thanx for the recommendation, I’ll check it out.