Think about it.
What if everything was free?
Why would anyone buy a PC when they can afford a Mac? What if you could go out and get that Porsche you’ve always wanted? Why would your car salesman still want to be a car salesman when he earns no profit from selling you any car?
What if anyone could afford an Ivy League education? Why would anyone go to a crappy community college if they could go to the Ivy League university and get a “real” education? Question, would anyone even go to school at all if everything was free?
What if everyone could afford enough food to eat everyday? Why would anyone eat at McDonald’s if they can go to that new high-end healthy restaurant across the street and get better food for the same price?
What if traveling around the world cost nothing at all? What if going to Africa and India to help people cost you nothing at all? What if taking those dance classes cost you nothing at all?
Would you still have excuses for not doing what you love?
What if everyone could afford to buy high-end apparel? Would people put so much emphasis on Louis Vuitton when that local unknown apparel store has far better quality clothing?
If you’re living with your parents would you still be living with them now that everything is free? Or would you go out, party, and get drunk everyday? Would you still be as constricted, self-contained, and responsible as you are now (I’m assuming you’re responsible)? Would you still stand for it if your boss was being unreasonably rude to you?
Would you still be compliant when you have no financial reasons to be?
What would be the point of working at a job you hate in order to afford “your dream“; you already can! Would “credit” still exist? Would “debt” still exist?! Speaking of debt, what would “finance/get-out-of-debt” courses, blogs, and seminars be good for anymore? There is no debt!
Would so many people still want to be doctors, psychiatrists, and lawyers? They’re services are free after all, meaning they’re making the same as artists, photographers, and writers now. What would the perks of being a real-estate agent be? Everyone can afford mansions and you get a $0.00 income on every house you sell. Would entrepreneurs actually be entrepreneurs in order to improve people’s lives (rather than the common purpose of being rich)?
Would stock markets and banks still exist? What’s the point of having all that money if everything is free?
Why would being a millionaire, billionaire, or trillionaire matter anymore?!
Would it lead to a world devoid of crime and hate? What the hell would the point of robbery be? Why would anyone sell crack cocaine when they can already afford taking care of their family? Why would the abused housewife stay with her husband when she knows she doesn’t have to rely on his income to survive?
If everyone can afford everything, would greed still exist? Would the homeless still exist? Would the broke still exist? Would welfare still exist? Would taxes still exist?
If everything was free, would the world be more equal and stable? Or would it be filled with pure chaos?
Would it lead to a world where everyone is actually doing what they love for a living?
Would everything be measured by the quality it brings to people’s lives?
Money is more of an intangible. The only reason it exists is because we say it does. We don’t need it, the majority just can’t comprehend how to live life on a system of compassion and intelligence.
Money is also a convenience. It’s must easier to exchange cash for a product or service versus figure out what to barter and find someone who has what you want that’s willing to accept what you have to offer.
This an idea I continue to think of, designing machines to self-replicate, repair, reuse/recycle, and then serve us all the basic necessities of life. With good decent people with passion for knowledge or of curiosity, gaming, programmers, artists, and etc.
Think of it this way, not everyone has to be a parasite and an audience but nothing would be wrong with that if the system allows there to be more than enough resources for everyone as long as the population continuously fluctuate in a stable manner. One could strive for self-achievement or for the benefit of entertaining someone. This system would work if the people were decent, and passionate. Moral & ethics and general education should be made compulsory by a government of responsible voted adults not for financial gain but for the care of everyone’s survival and protection of rights.
You can enjoy life and there will still be failures and hardship – even with everything provided for you, if you want to achieve something such as a winning in a competition for self-satisfaction, why do you think gamers compete when there is no financial game – to show off their skills and satisfy themselves. There will still be artists competing, athletes, scientists experimenting for the benefit of helping the human race and gaining recognition. Not everyone in this world is hopeless, stupid, and so very concentrated on financial gain, that’s only because that’s how our world is.
Well think on this: IF we had self replicating robots that could make everything for free, using atoms and particles to build anything, and able to do all of the physical labor that humans currently do, whether they make it from atoms or from subatomic particles/wave packets, and could also cheaply produce endless energy from solar power or nuclear fusion or something else, then that would satisfy the above question. Would there still be limited things? There may be human talents and services that are limited, such as human-made information, but who cares? Once its out, its out forever, and can be copied forever. Once that new software program is out it can be downloaded by billions of people and copied. Once that new design is out, it can be copied ad infinitum. Self Reproducing Machines and Robots would thus do this. Select choice pieces of land, like beachfront California property may be limited. But if I had self replicating robots I could command them to build my own personal island, so who cares? Short of government enforced regulation, which would be likely, what would stop people from making your own personal synthetic coral based beaches? And even if they say no to you on Earth, who could stop you from going to space and building your own personal world there? As long as you had the energy, information, and machines to do it, you could do it. There is abundant energy and matter in the universe! I think on one hand, people would live their lives like the “idle rich”, a life long vacation. The difference between farming and gardening is one you have to do to survive, the second one is what you do as a hobby. But here comes a problem: In this fallen world with human sin, what happens when someone’s idea of a hobby is enslaving and torturing other people to death? They would have to be stopped. Now add this to it: Imagine we could then use the technology to make super computer programs like the Star Trek Holo Deck where you can live in your own personal fantasy world for your whole life.
If everything was free nobody could be better than anybody else. I think half of everybody is missing the point. Those people in power would no longer have that power. It would knock all that, i’m better than you because i make this amount of money, out. Everybody would be equal, i feel. It would cut out the rat race. I mean it would be a different world completely. If it was to work everybody’s attitudes would have to change, you feel me? The world would be less materialistic? Maybe more centered around family? Idk I really cant imagine it right now. Oh yeah no NWO and the Rothschild wouldn’t own the federal reservoir. Then they probably wouldn’t use everybody’s birth certificate as collateral and make use a human
I like this one COMMENT…& I won’t have to worry about rent anymore as well when I move… what a wonderful world & My friend will come bk from Louisiana & we can hang out with out worrying about the cost of anything to travel!!!✌
If everything was free, I would do what I love.
Wait a second, I’ll start doing what I love now, and everything will be free!
Act on your Joy!
I like your phrase “act on your joy.” When you find ways to do what you love, you’re happier and don’t feel like work is “work” all the time.
Local currencies solve these problems. Locals naturally set the market value of currency at local prosperous levels when free.
I’m all for a world without money! It must, however, be regulated with an ownership card system where we know how much a person owns and that they aren’t “hogging” all the food, tv’s, cars, etc… A card system would show how much of the free stuff you got at the store, and we would make sure nobody has too much food but at least more than enough. It could work but it must be regulated. It’s a system that’s never been tried and I’m all for it! In fact the quality of items a person can get for free can be regulated by the ownership card system by how hard the job you have is! If you have a really hard physical labor job like putting 100 pounds boxes away or your a doctor who works at performing life-saving surgeries, under this system you would be entitled to more luxurious quality items at the store, for free. A simple job however, would require more working hours for earning the luxury items. I can’t think of a simple job though. Many are difficult and I think the luxury system along with the ownership card system could help organize the free world.
Well…your ownership card system is basically money under a different name.
A Utopian society with no money would only work if every job was created equal. If a job is harder/requires more intelligence/strength/creativity/etc., then you only have to do it 10 hours/week, if it’s easier, requires less thinking, less physical labor, then you have to do it 40 hours/week. And then we train our children into these rolls, and the more intelligent ones, stronger ones, more creative ones are rewarded with the most important jobs (doctors, engineers, farmers, construction), but are also rewarded with more free time. While the less intelligent, weaker ones work more menial, less physically exhausting jobs (waiters, bartenders, fast food, librarians, etc), but have to work longer hours. But while you’re not working, everything is free for everyone. (But think how many people you need to build boats and cars and computers and planes, etc, if everyone can get one if they just want it.) So the more people want, the more people have to work.
Yeah, you get the idea Shane. It’s possible, and a system that’s never been tried. I would like to see it tried. It would eliminate poverty for sure. If it’s impossible for now, I’d like to see it at least done with food. Make food free. That would be a wise first step. As long as nobody is allowed to take too much it would work. As for working I’d like to see jobs much easier to get. A system that allows guidance for all workers and that utilizes each worker’s skills by giving them the jobs that they would be good at. I like your training our children into roles idea. Right now in democracy, capitalism is quite a difficult way for those who would rather have the government guide them. Bosses can hire and fire anyone they want and it gets quite hectic.
Edward first comment:
“When I first skimmed this post, I thought it was about how we use money as an excuse to hide our fear of doing/trying something new. That would have been an awesome post.”
I too agree on would be great if there is a post like that;;;I would wait on that too;;
Your original content is definitely thought provoking;;; thnks 4 provoking thoughts…
Infact, i would enjoy thought blasting ;; haahaaa ..kiddng;;;
There are not enough resources in the world for everything to be free.
For example, there is not enough land to give every person a mansion. But what if every person wants a mansion? What happens then? Right now, we restrict who gets a mansion based on how much money they have, so only a few people get mansions.
Same thing with the Ivy League education. Even if you made these schools free, there are not enough spots for everyone who wants to go. In fact, right now Harvard is “free” (they give you full scholarship) for everyone whose family makes under $60,000 a year. So why isn’t everyone whose family makes under $60,000 going to Harvard?
There a finite amount of resources in the world. You have to have some system to decide who gets what resource, and who is denied. Right now, money is that system. If you have enough money to buy something, you get it, and if you don’t, you don’t get it. Price adjusts by supply and demand. If there is not a lot of something and a lot of people want it, the price goes up so only the wealthy can afford it.
If you got rid of money and resources, you would need some other system of determining who gets how much of each resource, and who is denied.
I believe the Soviet Union tried out a system similar to the one you are advocating. It didn’t work out well for them.
I am sort of inline with Edwards thoughts !!
It would be a great idea to have everything free; free; free; free…haaa the word sounds soo good tao me!!
I think it is sort of a mind thing that says how great would it be if everything is just for free in the whole world.
Arsene Hodali and Myself currently think that it is great to have everything free…
I can sort of say — we have sort of ..only sort of ..similar… levels.. of…aaware..ness or a way of perceiving outside stuff….
So, the point i am making is ..what about the rest of whole world for that matter whose awareness levels are different from both of usss–
So, still the point i am making is— one could find a conflict in first place with the comm..union of so many ppl. with sort of different levels of awarenessess….
For that matter, this awareness of a single person will not be consistent as well…a person can have a lower awareness today and tomorrow ..may be a ..better ..aware.ness…
So, in this confusion; if you actually let everything free; i am sure there will …loot of coonfuussiooonnn around;;;;
The only problem with everything being free, in my eyes at least, even though it has inherent advantages once ones primary purpose of wealth acquisition is removed is that you would remove the core of human existence.
Humans are not like ants or other swarming insects which can exist without money, each playing a role in the society for the benefit of all. These insects are brainless and operate on chemicals and pheromones to give the illusion of intelligence.
I wouldn’t want to be part of a system this brain dead. It is the uniqueness of the human mind which led to the need for transferring wealth. Years ago it was through bartering before the creation of money and currency. It may have its inherant flaws but that is the beauty of the system.
Great mind expanding article though, got me thinking. Thanks.
Haha, ‘mind expanding’…. I think you’ve just given me a new way to say “thought provoking”.
Interesting discussion. Since my website is Brave New Life, you can imagine I’m a big fan of Huxley’s Brave New World. The scenario of this post is similar, in that it’s a utopian society. In this society, I have two strong beliefs. First, people (and all creatures) are inherently good. They would not go around dropping bombs and hurting others just for fun. So I believe war and other criminal activities would slowly be eliminated.
At the same time, people are competitive and aspiring. If money were to be taken away, the reward/differentiator would be gone. So people would work less.. and less… and less.. Until nothing was getting done. Much like soma in Brave New World.
Thanks Arsene, I really enjoyed your idea. And I love that you think the way you do.
Having worked inside a prison, I can’t say I really buy Locke’s (and your) premise that people are basically good. I do, however, feel that people are instilled at a young age with a moral code that they don’t really question (or only question within the confines of that moral system). This unconscious code causes them to believe that they are innately good.
When people are raised with a “faulty” moral system (everyone one that has ever been raised by another human being will have been given some programming), they can go on to do things that others would find despicable and not have any problem with it.
Thank you for the compliment. Have you read the comparison on “Brave New World” & “Nineteen Eighty Four”?
In the post I’m wondering what would happen if the reward/differentiator role seized to be put upon “money”, what would it then be.. value?
Would we be competitive on who gives more value?
I’m not gonna get into a debate of this being possible/good/positive, or whatever.
But I disagree wholeheartedly with everyone that’s saying that people would be evil. People are inherently good. We just don’t get each other.
The golden rule exists in nature, it’s not a humanistic structure.
“The problem is miscommunication.”
When I first skimmed this post, I thought it was about how we use money as an excuse to hide our fear of doing/trying something new. That would have been an awesome post.
Instead it was just a utopian/socialist fantasy. Frankly, if money were not an option, I would still have a pc, because I don’t like macs. I would still eat at McDonalds on occasion because sometimes, you just want something fast. And, yes, I believe there would be an awful lot of people doing nothing productive because they didn’t have to, and that a lot of important tasks would not be done because, after all, who is passionate about garbage collection?
who is passionate about garbage collection? read Nineteen Eighty-Four.
I did read 1984. I don’t recall any passionate garbage collectors. I do recall Orwell using it to explain that the only way for a “utopian” society is for the individual to be subsumed by the whole and to not have an identity outside of it. It’s also the point Huxley was making in Brave New World.
I totally feel you on this one. I’m actually surprised many of you find the outcome would be negative. Since “the best things in life are free,” my assumption that the things that would be made free are material/physical possessions. Freedom from the desire of material possessions is powerful to me…it could even eliminate greed, because we would truly understand how insignificant it is to have a lot of stuff. I’ve always thought that once we didn’t have to worry about things such as food, shelter, and material things…our society can truly begin to evolve…we’d be living from a less selfish and consuming place…we wouldn’t be as attached to these things and we’d find fulfillment in more meaningful things. I don’t believe duality would be eliminated…not at all actually…overall i think it would lead to a much greater sense of community but hey i’m a hippie/treehugger/believer in a better world so I remain very optimistic.
Great post though it really makes you think.
P.S. There are people living this way, not with everything being free but without money and the need for material possessions. Many tribes still live close to this way and some people have chosen to give up money all together
“…because we would truly understand how insignificant it is to have a lot of stuff. I’ve always thought that once we didn’t have to worry about things such as food, shelter, and material things…our society can truly begin to evolve…we’d be living from a less selfish and consuming place…we wouldn’t be as attached to these things and we’d find fulfillment in more meaningful things.”
I like!
And thanx for the compliments.
Everything in the world is free, if you work hard enough OR let go of the desire for material possessions. I think this is the authors point. Post-genocide, one must have a new perspective on life’s value. Life is given to us freely and it is our most valuable possession. Work hard and the universe will provide back. Desiring the neighbors Porche is mental slavery not true freedom. Working hard for the Porche however is free.
If everything was free, things would be no fun. Part of making things just out of reach is the journey.
If everything were free, we’d be walking zombies. Some things should still be hard to obtain.
What if we just stopped beating around the bush and started trying to obtain what we are actually getting all that money for; our own version of happiness?
I see a scenario such as this as being one that leads to a degenerative cycle of society.
Look, one of my good friends growing up happened to be the son of a billionaire….with a “B.” He grew up with a platinum spoon in his mouth, and then grew up miserable, drug-addicted, and unpassionate about anything. He is a hollow shells and a waste of potential. And for all intents and purposes, everything is free for him. Everything. This is pretty common.
Human need something to strive for. We also need adversity. If we don’t have adversity, how can we learn to enjoy the good? If everything is free, we will value nothing.
Okay, so from all these responses I’m getting the “humans are inherently evil/corrupted, and they need something to strive for” vibe.
So you’re (all?) leaning on the chaos will ensue side… Right?
I don’t think to assume that people are generally evil or corrupted is a sad point of view.
What I am saying is that opposites must exist. If everything were free, it would be difficult to enjoy what you work for. Life is about experiencing dualities: pleasure/pain, lack/abundance, happiness/sadness. It adds character and texture to the tapestry of life.
If everything were free, that tapestry wouldn’t be quite as pretty.
I don’t assume chaos, but lack of fulfillment. I think it would be a sad existence if everything were free.
Hi Scott,
You’re example of a rich friend is an example of differences. Today when you’re rich you’re different from someone that is not. Money equals power. And you’re attractive when you’re powerful. When you happen to be in a partyscene, you will be the one that’s buying drinks. And probably the other drugs. This leads to wrong friends, etc. And there is a rather big change that you get sweeped away in a drugs/sex binge.
Consider the world which Arsene pictures. There there will be no difference in status because of wealth, so there is no reason for you to end up where rich kids can end up easily nowadays.
Do you agree?
The world needs ditch diggers, too.
Most people, whether we like to admit it or not, crave some sort of structure, control, and boundaries. And a system of finance and ownership create those things.
But to take your thoughts, if there is no money, why would someone create those Macs (which I still wouldn’t own) or clothes or any other products. People get into the business of doing and making things for some financial gain. Remove that, remove the motivation.
So you don’t think Steve Jobs and Wozniak would have never created those Macs unless they thought they would get rich of it?
I’m here saying that they built the first Mac because they were passionate about IT, not the MONEY.
In the article, I’m saying “Would people start doing things because their passionate about them, like Jobs and Wozniak, once they have all their other requirements met?”
Am I wrong for asking that?
Not at all. I’m sure they made their first Mac out of passion, not a quest for profit. But the 100th? 1000th? Speaking just from a tech perspective, there are millions of software apps that are the result of a passion, and only a small percentage of them have moved beyond that first or second iteration.
I completely understand your premise and question that you posed. However, you’re talking about a fundamental change in human behavior. Sadly, I’m not optimistic that the change could take place.
If everything were free, what’s to stop me from taking EVERY SINGLE GOOD AND PRODUCT that exists in the universe?
Will the government stop me? I’ll have bought all the weapons in the world so I can kill them all.
I’ll take every single resource, every single product. Hell, I’ll even buy PEOPLE. They’re free, right?
My point is this: how does this not devolve into a society ruled by a tyrant, or massive mobs of people who do NOTHING but loot and terrorize a society?
Wishful thinking, mate. It’s a bad idea.
What about after you do all that? After everyone does that? Sure people will steal and plunder and all that AT THE BEGINNING, but what happens when the whole society reaches a point where they’ve lived in misery all because of their own actions? And they finally realize that they’ll only go far by working together and setting boundaries.
I’m here rooting (hoping) that people have inherent goodness/wisdom which allows them to come to their senses after all the stealing and plundering.