The entire summer and half of autumn have completely escaped me and there's a reason: I'm a new (sleep challenged) mom! I didn't write about my pregnancy or mention I had a baby until just now because it has been a BIG lifestyle adjustment that I've been enjoying privately for a while. I must say that being a first time parent is so much harder than I ever could have … [Read more...]
GRE Tips: Acing The GRE As A Middle Aged Person Long After College
When I took the GMAT for business school at 27, I was frustrated by the archaic equations that have nothing to do with real life problems. You know, things such as fixing the budget deficit, getting a promotion, saving more money for retirement, and making sure your spouse doesn't yell at you for forgetting her birthday. So here I am, eight years later at the age of 35 going … [Read more...]
Get rid of bad habits once and for all!
Do you have bad habits that have lurked around for years that you're sick and tired of already? Binge watching shows, smoking, drinking too much, overspending? We've all tried and failed to overcome at least a few bad habits, but forget about the past. Today is a new day and it's time to get rid of bad habits once and for all. This time you're not going to give up too soon now … [Read more...]
Are you protected from the STRESS virus?!
Anyone who claims they haven't experienced stress in their life is either completely kidding themselves or living a very sheltered lifestyle. Stress doesn't even wait to strike until we're adults; it can affect kids from an early age if parents aren't careful. I certainly remember experiencing stress in middle and high school. Of course the triggers of stress for me as a … [Read more...]
Get more done each week starting right now
How many times have you found yourself wondering where all the time went over the last week, especially on the weekends? Seven days is a lot of time to get things done, but so often we're juggling a million things that time just seems to evaporate. The trouble is between all the things we juggle from commuting, studying/working, attending meetings, going through our inboxes, … [Read more...]