Consider for a moment where your energy comes from. I’m not talking about energy “boosters” like coffee and caffeine shots. I’m talking about your internal life force that ignites your passions and fuels your drive. Where does THAT come from?
I believe the answer is health – remarkable, brazen, and euphoric health!
And yet, much of the chatter about “Lifestyle Design” and similar ideals casually (or ignorantly) glosses over this reality. The conversations are focused more on income generation, marketing tactics, location independence, copy writing, personal freedoms, relationships, and just generally bucking the status-quo.
Let me be clear – I agree with all of these elements. But what energizes those ventures is your health – of mind, body, and (yes) soul. All that you are (or are not) originates from the quality and vitality of your health.
Enter my idea, FEARLESS HEALTH. The premise is simple – that fearless healthy living is among the few true ways of maximizing the human experience in any manner you see fit.
Who Should Care about FEARLESS HEALTH?
This concept is not for the mainstream. Precisely the opposite. FEARLESS HEALTH is meant explicitly for folks like me whom think freely, act unconventionally, and believe in the genius, power, and magic of living boldly.
Thus, the purpose is to inspire you to pursue and train you to achieve the life force and freedom you need to conquer your world!
Seriously, imagine a life where you…
- Are rarely, if ever, sick
- Have health care costs totaling only your preventative exams
- Embody the physical ability and energy to do whatever you wish
- Possess the mental courage, focus, and creativity to bring your dreams to life
That’s FEARLESS HEALTH. What all could you achieve with it?
What is FEARLESS HEALTH really?
- Ruthlessly abolishing all the pretenses for why you can’t become fabulously healthy
- Optimizing your health potential in any manner you most enjoy
- Using fantastic health as a means of living large on your own terms
- Achieving your independence from the unhealthy status quo
- Becoming remarkable through the art of health nonconformity
Remember, FEARLESS HEALTH is your powerful life force. Once you learn the ways and embrace this force you can use it to accomplish amazing feats.
The FEARLESS HEALTH Manifesto – How to Thrive in an Unhealthy World
I could never capture all my thoughts about FEARLESS HEALTH in a single article.
So what did I do? I wrote a 8,000+ word, 70 page manifesto instead!
And I’m now sharing this manifesto with the world – free and without any strings attached! It’s my gift that I hope can truly improve the health and happiness of many – and in so doing change the world!
If all that sounds peachy to you – then I encourage you to download the manifesto, affectionately entitled FEARLESS HEALTH: How to Thrive in an Unhealthy World.
Click here to download your copy of the manifesto now. Remember, it’s free!
Thanks for indulging me and learning about my idea for world domination! 🙂
I sincerely hope you enjoy my manifesto. And I would love to hear your thoughts.
Now go forth and do great things!
Hi Matt,
Bad form, openly admitting you are going for world domination. What would James Bond say.
– Jonny
Hey Jonny-
You lost me on the James Bond reference?! Personally, I think Bond would approve of being fearless of mind, body, and lethalness. 🙂
Congrats on the launch Matt! You put a ton of effort into it and it shows. Great job and I can’t wait to hear how the launch went!
Thanks Joel very much! I really appreciate the support.
Keep up the great stuff at Blog of Impossible Things!
*Are rarely, if ever, sick – Check
* Have health care costs totaling only your preventative exams – Check (actually, I haven’t even had a preventative exam in almost a decade, although I do go to the optometrist for a new glasses every 3 years, so I do have that (necessary) expense)
* Embody the physical ability and energy to do whatever you wish – Before reading the manifesto, I’m not sure exactly what you mean by this, but, generally, I don’t feel limited by my health or endurance to do the things I want.
* Possess the mental courage, focus, and creativity to bring your dreams to life – Not sure what this has to do with health. That said, I don’t see courage, focus, or creativity to be what limits my dreams but time. And even then, its not that I don’t have the time to do the things I want, but rather, I don’t want those things enough to steal the time from other things, like spending it with my wife.
Hey Edward-
Thanks for stopping by! It sounds like you’re living a pretty fearless life already. Well done!
To your latter two points I’d like to provide some context for consideration:
* [Embody the physical ability and energy…] It’s my experience personally and via observations of many others that the quality of one’s health (and not just physical health) has a direct correlation on the amount of “drive” they possess to carry out their dreams. I understand that “health” in the conventional sense may seem an odd catalyst for “energy to do whatever you wish”. But I don’t play by conventional rules! 🙂
* [Possess the mental courage, focus, …] Here again I agree that conventional health seems a funny means of achieving these results. But consider the depth and breath that health in all its facets has on one’s life. Much of this originates from the mind and “life force” (aka not physical health). I’ve experienced massive gains in concentration, clarity of thought and expression, etc as my health improved. I’ve also seen this in many others – as much of life’s abilities are interwoven together.
In all, great commentary. Thank you! And best of luck with your fearless health and life!
Hi Matt-
I’m glad you are bringing health into this. it is of the utmost importance. I think the differences between a templated life and an untemplated life involved breakign the status quo. The status quo, however, does not castigate hard work (look at lawyers, doctors, and architects), but it may hinder vision (curing, solving, and breaking). So your fearless healthy lifestyle should not be unique because it tells people to be confidence and work hard – templated people have confidence and work hard; rather, it should give us a direct correlation between your healthy approach and our dreams of becoming untemplated.
I’m sorry for the next bit: I’m glad you were able to write a manifesto as succinctly as you did. Telling us that it is 70 pages and 8,000 words is a bit misleading. 8,000 words is about 16 pages. I understand your need for aesthetics, but isn’t that very templated of you?
What do you think?
Thanks for the hard work!
Hi Craig-
Thanks for taking the time to check out FEARLESS HEALTH.
I completely agree that powerful and unconventional health is of the utmost importance these days. The sad state of affairs with global health crises demand more personal responsibility than ever about the quality and ability of our health.
I like your point about not castigating hard workers. That’s definitely not my aim with FEARLESS HEALTH, HLD, or any other outlet. The point is efficiency and clarity of purpose and resolve. This is a “mindset” that is without question NOT limited to just the blogging/entrepreneur crowd. Indeed it must NOT be if we as a collective society are to improve the health of our selves and the world at large!
Don’t apologize for your last bit. I love honest, open dialoge when done constructive and with respect. And since you hit that tone I’ll engage in a conversation :). So allow me to provide some food for thought about my manifesto layout…
* 8,000+ words is indeed not 70 pages when left un-designed. But I’m sure you (and most others) would quickly tire of a blase 8,000+ word WORD doc that didn’t contain imagery, formatting, and ample white space
* My 70 pages claim is factually accurate – FEARLESS HEALTH has 70 pages.
* Writing, health, and many other aspects of life benefit exponentially from the touches of art. Hence both the desire and need to “design” my writing to be (1) easy to read, (2) provide an inspirational / captivating experience, and (3) generally entertain my audience.
All said, it’s definitely not a marketing tactic but an approach for quality. Believe me, I’m not alone. Chris Guillebeau very well may be the master at this (with design by Reese). Chris definitely isn’t a “templated” conformist and neither is Reese.
Thanks again for the comment and conversation! All the best!
“But I’m sure you (and most others) would quickly tire of a blase 8,000+ word WORD doc that didn’t contain imagery, formatting, and ample white space”
It depends on the format. A 16 page document without any paragraph breaks? Certainly not going to be finished. But “paper” books (I hardly ever read physical books any more, most of my reading is done on my Sony Reader). are easily read at 300 pages as long as they are well written and organized. Personally, I get frustrated when I read the latest “free motivational ebook on changing your life!” that is 30 pages long only because each page only has 3 sentences.
Now yours isn’t as bad as that, but I personally find a 1/3 of a page of whitespace to be distracting from the actual text. I think a portrait-mode page with judicious use of line breaks and imbedded (as opposed to on the margin) graphics would present a much more flowing and easy to read book. It would also have the additional benefit of being able to publish your ebook in epub format which is much better suited to small screens such as ebook readers and even the iPhone.
Hi Matt and Edwards –
Thanks for the comments. I really hope we get more involved in a healthy debate.
About the templated/untemplated writing style. I actually had the art of nonconformity in mind when i made my last comment.
When Henry Ford realized he could monetize the assembly line many factories in the US followed. Seth Godin spends a lot of time in Linchpin talking about the move from the factory to the cubicle. This untemplated/entrepreneur movement has moved from the cubicle to the coffeeshop, but many of the tactics are the same.
Godin reads and writes books in book format. I read books in book format. People like JD Roth and Ramit Sethi have written books in book format. Books are not boring.
When Chris G wrote his manifesto and his follow-up in beautiful 72 page / 9000 word style, it was unique. It was unique and beautiful and it got the job done. When Ford used his line to get cars made, it was unique and beautiful and it got the job done. When networked computers and cubicle jockeys got people out of the factory and into comfortable and highly paid lives, it was unique and beautiful.
Now we are just copying what was once unique and beautiful. We are following the template the people before us created.
That’s what I meant by the 16 / 70 page manifesto being a templated work of art.
(On the plus, I really do love your health discussion.)
ps. I also love art and things that look pretty. Palatino Linotype is my dog.