Happy Independence Day! July 4th makes me so happy to be an American and so thankful that I'm financially independent. I used to worry a lot about money when I was younger. Hearing my parents fight about money sucked. Then, living paycheck to paycheck was a grind. I had doubts if I'd ever be able to escape the rat race. But low and behold I did it! Re-reading my first net worth … [Read more...]
Magically Mystical, Karl The Fog: Untemplater Income Report May 2016
Ah summer. I LOVE the long days with sunsets at 8:30pm. I used the late sunsets to my advantage the last couple weekends and did some gardening in the evening hours. May was pretty darn foggy in San Francisco though and on the chillier side. A lot of locals complain about the fog, but I kinda like it. I don't like the arctic blast it can bring with it, but I love how the … [Read more...]
Workaholics Anonymous: Untemplater Income Report April 2016
My confession / soundbite for April is that I have workaholic tendencies. Working a crazy number of hours last month reminded me why working only 40 hours a week is so easy in comparison. While it felt good to get so much accomplished, it also reminded me that we all have a breaking point no matter how motivated or invincible we may feel. Although my personality is pretty … [Read more...]
Work Hard Play Hard: Untemplater Income Report March 2016
If I were to sum up my month of March in one phrase it would no doubt be work hard, play hard. It was a blast! I went on two short but super sweet vacations - one to the beach and another to the desert. It was cool to experience two contrasting environments that were both nice and warm, a welcome change from chilly San Francisco. And I busted my buns burning the midnight oil on … [Read more...]
Flip Flop, Ya Don’t Stop: Untemplater Income Report February 2016
For the first couple weeks of February I felt like a fish out of water, flip flopping around, struggling and out of my element. I was hospitalized at the end of January so it took me a couple weeks to recover and start to feel like myself again. I tell you what - it is absolutely incredible how our bodies can heal with proper care and rest. When you're really sick, it can be so … [Read more...]