How bad do you want to live an untemplate lifestyle? Live life purely on your own terms and make your own rules. Work where you want, live how you want, and ultimately be who you want to be. How bad do you want it? Seriously ask yourself those questions. I asked myself those questions and I’m grateful I did.
I’m slowly approaching my graduation date and I’ll be honest you, I’m scared out of my mind. Every student in my class are preparing to climb the corporate ladder and become a robotic working bee to only find out in 10 years that they were working for someone else and not for themselves. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, some people like security and they rather feel secure by working for someone else. Not me, I don’t want this for myself, but what do you do when most of the university system is preparing you for that very thing?
Asking myself those very questions has sparked a desire in me, a desire to live life to the fullest and experience the best life has to offer. I want to make my own rules and collaborate with others that are ready to shake the status quo, and I know to make that a reality I have to a have a definite desire.
The legendary Napoleon Hill once said
Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
It seriously has to be something you truly want for yourself, see yourself as, and be able to sacrifice time to get.
I don’t know where I’ll be 10 years from now but I have an idea, and just by having that idea I’ll be able to carve a path for myself. As graduation is upon me I know I have to find a source of income after school and if its working a job while I’m creating my own venture, then so be it. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if your only option is to jump into a job after graduation but your true desire is to live the untemplate lifestyle.
Find a Job That You Can Learn From
Seek a job that is or close to your field of interest. Keep an open mind that you’re there to learn how to one day operate your own business. Observe how management is running the office and what you would do differently if you were in charge.
Perform and Embrace Your Skills
Don’t hold yourself back, perform to your highest potential with any task given. If you have great leadership skills, demonstrate your leadership ability. You never know what opportunities will be in stored for you if you don’t put yourself out there and show what you got.
Work For a Start-Up
I’ve interned at a few start-ups and I’ve found that the work environment is a great fit for generation-Y. If you end up preforming well you never know what joint-ventures the founder would want to start with you or maybe the founder will appoint you president for their newest venture.
Find a Job that is Related to Your Field You Want to Break Into
My goal is to make multiple streams income through the internet by creating scalable companies. I’ve contacted a local small internet company that is doing well in the idrustry and told them I would be interested in working with them after graduation. They contacted me back and would like to set-up an interview. I wouldn’t mind working this “job” after graduation because I know I’m going to gain value out of it and its going to push me towards the direction I want to be in and along the process I can learn some new things about running a small internet company of my own.
Bottom line, if you feel you’re getting sucked into a life you don’t want for yourself don’t settle and stay true to your definite desire.
Totally feeling this here. 🙂 I should be graduating next year, and I’m thinking of getting a job with my degree to pay off my loans… But finding one I can learn from is a great point!!
I’m going to be working on my freelancing business starting next month, no school, no other job, nothing. I want to see how far I can make it.
Then again, there’s the whole social media marketing manager with Mazda…. Anyone think a pending college grad in HR can go for that with some experience? 😛 (I’m dreaming, I think, but maybe someday!)
Awesome that you’re already focusing on the industry you want to break into.
I love this post because it focuses on what’s important – you! I spent too many years working my butt off for companies that viewed me as an easily replaceable cog in their machine. Instead you are ahead of the game because you are focusing on using a job to develop your skills and use others as an example of what not to do in your own future business.
Totally true! Thanks for your awesome feedback.
I like your second point – its all about taking control of the job you have and turning it into something powerful! I am a strong advocate of always volunteering and doing things outside of your job description – people soon see you as a ‘star’ and someone they want to work with. This is the perfect place to be in when the next big opporunity comes around.
I definitely agree with you Joshua. Having a “job” doesn’t have to be all that bad. It can be considered as payed learning or a starting point to launch your own ventures.
Appreciate the comment
I’m putting these tips to work right now (and I’ve got 1.5 years till graduation). I found a job in a field related to the one I’m studying, where I have the chance to learn. I always try to do my best work, no matter what the situation.
Recently there came a potential new job within the organization. I expressed interest in filling the role and confidence in my ability to do so, and have an interview for it this week. Hopefully this “school” job will become a more permanent one, at least permanent enough to provide the steady income and more regular hours that I need. I’ve got 3 years until my wife graduates, so this should provide for us during that time.
Don’t be afraid to express interest in a position that you think you can fill!
Right on Matthew! Keep up your hustle. I recommend anyone in college to start a venture or learn form someone that is doing what you want to do.
After graduation you’re one step ahead of the game and have more options for what career path you want to launch. Don’t life be on auto-pilot. What field are you studying in school?
I’m working on an Art-Studio major and a business minor. I’m working at an art gallery and am hoping to get a management position. That way I can get hands-on experience with both of my areas of education.