When Adaptu's co-founder Mark Brundage left in May 2012 to become Salesforce.com's "Director Of Customer Success," perhaps this was the first clue that Adaptu was losing steam. It's hard to pass up a job at San Francisco-based Salesforce.com given its record revenues and multiple six figure salary packages. Adaptu is owned by StanCorp, a $1.7 billion market cap publicly listed … [Read more...]
Millionaire Blogger Interview: Tips On How To Sell A Business
* The Plan For The Sale product is no longer available, but I thought it would be a good idea to keep this 2,000 word post up as a great source of information from a blogger who sold his site Bargaineering for millions and for those who want to sell a business. Have you ever wanted to know how to sell a business? What do entrepreneurs do when they want to get out and to … [Read more...]
Good Financial Goals For Entrepreneurs And Business Owners
As a personal finance blogger who is also an entrepreneur, I'd like to share with you some personal finance goals for entrepreneurs or business owners. Lifestyle blogs are sexy because they conjure up images of working from a bungalow overlooking the beach. That's great and all, but as I wrote in the post, "Quit Your Job And Die Alone," entrepreneurship is not easy. I'm a … [Read more...]
The Main Reasons Why Businesses Fail
My friend's wife decided to get into the super competitive online retail business. Her idea is to source local products in Asia, and sell the unique items through her website to consumers all over the world. Boutique items include nicely designed handkerchiefs, teapots, and all sorts of random things that you might not necessarily need, but you might want once you see … [Read more...]
Want To Start A Successful Business? Learn How To Budget First!
Successful, young entrepreneurs make things look easy. We hear about their glamorous rises to fame, see pictures of their shiny cars and expensive homes, and watch their stock prices climb. But rarely do we hear about the financial support they had from their parents, the countless nights they got by on 2 hours of sleep, the friends they lost from becoming workaholics, or their … [Read more...]