Personal branding appears to be at the crux of what can make or break a business venture, is a factor in whether or not you have 50 followers or 5000 and is a term that is tossed around almost as much as ‘web 2.0’ in industry blogs. But what exactly does a brand of me (or you) consist of?
Chris Brogan described a personal brand as a combination of “reputation, trust, attention, and execution”, I agree entirely on these four but would jump to add one more to the mix: personality. Now lets break down the Brand of Me into 5 parts and hopefully along the way you’ll get inspired to discover your own personal brand.
A personal brand without reputation is tantamount to a snake oil salesman or a cheesy internet marketer who throws up squeeze pages promising to make your rich with no work in 10 days while helping you lose ten pounds. Your reputation on and offline is essential to your brand, if your reputation is spotless your brand will be trusted by others and positive reviews about your brand will flow freely.
This goes hand in hand with reputation but differs slightly in that there are several people I know of that have great reputations but few I trust personally. Trust is built from reputation + relationship and it can be formed several ways like through your participation with others on social media platforms, or by being an expert in your field in forums, or through a blog that provides great quality on a regular basis. So after you’ve decided you aren’t go to sell crap and your reputation is important to you it’s time to pick which way you can build trust with others.
If you want to promote your brand, develop your persona and garnish a following who trusts you then attention is a top priority. If it wasn’t for attention Mashable would be nothing more than a site with a funny name and Tim Ferriss would just be a guy who lays down in crowded places to prove a point. But because of millions of eyes and ears are tuned to them Mashable is a staple for millions of web browsers and Ferriss is a cult figure to hundreds of thousands across the globe. You must decide how your unique personal brand will command attention, I favor videos, blogs and social media channels to attract attention to my ‘personal brand’. Your tastes may be much different, maybe you’ll write a book and self publish it on or will be known as the gal who dominates facebook.
Dreams are just realities waited to be acted upon. If you want to build a powerful brand around what it is you do or love then you are going to have to execute in a big way. Your actions can take on many forms but execution is critical because no good idea has gotten off the ground without it. Lists and planning helps a dream not only become a reality but gives you the road map to success, knowing that if you do A, B and then C eventually X will happen. Honestly execution or “action” is the hardest part for many people, but if you can harness it you’ll succeed in life in a huge way.
The last component to a rocking personal brand is well, personality. The brand of me is going to be as boring as toast if there isn’t a good dose of personality behind it. Any very successful person is known for certain characteristics and traits that make up their personality, without these they’d just be another talking head. Spend time developing your ‘personality’ make sure it is true to your goals and dreams while making sure your public persona will be engaging to others. Those with massive personalities often isolate people who are annoyed by them, but they also create cult following of those who are attracted to their personal brand. Better to isolate a million and secure the loyality and love of 10,000 then to be luke warm towards everyone.
Now it’s time for you to take a look at your life, your dreams or entrepreneurial endeavors and ask yourself if what you want to do needs a strong personal brand behind it to succeed? If the answer is no ask yourself could a personal brand hurt? Probably not, especially in this world of increasing transparency where CEO’s tweet to customers and you can Google just about anyone’s name and find results. If you start now developing your brand of me you’ll do far better than trying to throw one together after your business has taken off or years into a career.
Thanks so much Andi ๐
I love Chris’s analogy to toast. It’s so true. There are so many options to go with in any industry now. It’s easy to compete on price, but generally not beneficial for anyone. What better selling point that your personality? When you throw yourself out there, as all you, it builds trust and respect, and it’s just plain way more fun for you!
Great concise post, Maren!
Hi Maren,
Thanks for your post. How’s your Oracle Launch business going? Do you have other ventures that you are working on to make money?
How do you estimate a strong personal brand converts to dollars?
I estimate my personal brand is probably contributed to 90% of my business thus far ๐ through networking and all sorts of other ways of putting myself out there Oracle Launch has really taken off! So thanks and yes things are good ๐
90%, wow! OK, thanks for that estimate, as it helps me think more about the importance of the Financial Samurai brand going forward.
Personality is a big one and although most people like toast, I hardly know anybody who eats it plain. Why? Because it lacks something to make it better, to make it different, to make it TASTY.
It can take time to find your brand’s personality. So if you’re struggling to figure it out, trust your gut and do what comes naturally. Guaranteed you’ll connect with someone. As you go, you can figure out what works and what doesn’t work personality wise and you can tweak it here and there. But being authentic goes a long way.
Authenticity rocks you are correct ๐ sometimes it takes a little longer to build your brand that way but you are building such a more steady one than by being schlocky.
“Better to isolate a million and secure the loyality and love of 10,000 then to be luke warm towards everyone.”
Right on. I got more and more emails from people telling me that they find my writing style and videos awkward !
A strong personal brand divides the masses – people tend to love or hate it. The more original you become, the more the middle ground disappears.
I want to become the Apple of blogging.
See that is good ๐ I like it, better awkward that boring!
Maren, good post and I agree with your selection of parts for personal branding. A lot of people are becoming good at writing content, forming relationships, building trust, etc. The big differentiator from what I’ve seen are the people that actually do the work, without spending months planning and never accomplishing anything. Whether it’s laziness or that the person isn’t really an entrepreneur, I think it looks bad and is a waste of time if you don’t carry something forward.
Thanks so much Dan ๐ I totally agree with you, action is what separates the true entrepreneurs & change agents from those who just like the idea.