From the time we're toddlers, we're put into routines by our parents. We're trained to do particular sequences of actions at specific times each day, over and over again. Then we're put into schools that try to teach us discipline and conformity so that we can follow a set curriculum and learn how to interact with others. We follow along without much resistance for many … [Read more...]
How To Decide If And When To Fire Someone
When I was in college and thinking about my future career path, it never even dawned on me once that someday I would have to fire someone. I suppose a large part of that was because I was so focused on landing my first job that I wasn't picturing myself getting to a managerial position. I find it very rewarding being in a position to screen, interview, and hire employees. But … [Read more...]
Top 20 Wish List For Entrepreneurs And Freelancers
Phew. December snuck up fast and the crazy holiday shopping season is now in full swing. It can be exhausting! But it doesn't have to be all stress and no fun. It's exciting to think about what you want for yourself too after all. :) Who says you can't drop hints to your main squeeze and closest family members, or just buy yourself something and take a tax write-off! Here's my … [Read more...]
Things NOT To Do If You Want To Be Rich And Happy
I think about money a lot this time of year and you probably do too. All the tempting sales make our greedy meters go up, and our credit card bills jump up huge with all the holiday gift shopping and travel costs. Meanwhile we're also wondering if we're going to get a raise or bonus at work, or praying we don't get laid off, wincing as we cut checks for property taxes, donating … [Read more...]
8 Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Thankful For: Sponsored Video
Taking a leap of faith to start your own business takes guts. But in the big scheme of things, deciding to start is actually the easy part! Being an entrepreneur is a huge responsibility that takes a lot of self-control, drive, patience, and dedication. Every year, so many people decide to just give up before they truly given themselves a shot at success. When it comes to … [Read more...]